Japanese Poetic Journal Ama Hashi
Journal "Poetic Bridge:AMA-HASHI"
"The meaning of AMA-HASHI is "LADDER" connecting the ground and heaven.
It is impossible to reach the heaven but we tried to go up one step by one step. I know perfect translation of poetry is like this. I am doing the best, then in the process to struggle the god shows the light from the heaven to poets. Reading (Listening) people will enjoy to sense the light from poets through translation."
For the next edition, foreseen are following poets:
Davide Rondoni, Rafael Soare, Ilya Kaminsky, Justo Jorge Padron, Marius Chelaru, Urlike Draesner, Tal Nitzan and Hatto Fischer
Poetry Reading in Kyoto . a recent program with Gabriel Rosenstock
Organized by Japan Universal Poets Association
Supported by Kyoto Prefecture, Embassy of Ireland in Tokyo, Culture Ireland
Kansai Poets Association, Contemporary Kyoto Poets Association
Date:November 1, 2012 (Thu.)13:00-17:00
Venue: Kyoto International Community Hall, Annex, Conference Room
Welcome Speech: Arima Takashi (Director,JUNPA. President Kansai Poets Association)
Reading by Guest Poets Hughes Labrusse(France) "Les fleurs de cerisier"
Gabriel Rosenstock (Ireland) "Uttering Her Name"
Arima Takashi (Japan) "Evensong of Silent Stars"
Awarding Ceremony
Reading by JUNPA members
Kanou Yoshimasa(Japan) "Fate"
Asuka Akira(Japan) "Compass"
Kitahara Chiyo(Japan) "Leaping Garuda"
Sanmon Tadao(Japan) "Darum Lachen am Ende die Vgel"
Uemura Taeko (Japan)"Focus Only on Tomorrow"
Taniuchi Hiroshi(Japan) "Plus One Word to the World"
Irish Music byKishimoto Taro (Flute), Kumazawa Yoko )(Violin)
Reading Shimoda Kikumi (Japan) "When Standing on the Earth"
Tamura Shoji(Japan) "Last Love"
Sumikura Mariko(Japan) "Lotus"
Inoue Tetsuji (Japan) "A Piano in the Bottom of Sea"
Tsukasa Yui(Japan) "A Moment of Flowers"
Contact to editors@ama-hashi.com Website http://www.ama-hashi.com
Date: Nov.2, 2012 (Fri.)12:00-15:00
Venue: Shirakawa-in Kyoto
(16 Hoshojicho, Okazaki, Sakyo, Kyoto)075-761-0201
Program(Reading by English, French, German)
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Interview/Lecture for recording
Hughes Labrusse "Poetry and Art"
Gabriel Rosenstock "Telling Poetry"
Free discussion
Reading by Guest Poets
Hughes Labrusse (France) from the latest book
Gabriel Rosenstock (Ireland) from the latest book
14:00-14:40 Poetry Sharing by attendees
14:40-15:00 Free Discussion
Contact to: editors@ama-hashi.com
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