Luca Benassi
Poet lives in Rom and has recently together with
Italian poet Nadia Cavalera, published some poems of Germain Droogenbroodt in the poetry website Bollettario. You can read the poems translated into Italian at the following link:
As for his own poetry, here a comparison of people with Salmon fishes.
Bisogna aspettarli al varco i salmoni
al collo di bottiglia della foce
spauriti, mentre accalcano l’acqua
bisogna tendere la rete dove
la superficie si increspa di pinne
le branchie annaspano quel desiderio
che riproduce il transito di nuove
generazioni. Allora è il momento
di calare la rete, di tendere
alla gola il laccio, l’arpione aguzzo.
All’uscita della metro noi siamo
salmoni ignari verso la mattanza.
Salmon are to be waylaid
at the bottleneck of the river mouth,
when they are scared, cramming the water;
you have to let the net down where
the surface ripples with fins
gills fumble that desire
that doubles the passage of new
generations. That is the moment
to shoot the net, to strain tighten
the noose to the throat, the sharp spear.
At the metro exit we are
oblivious salmons, toward the slaughter.
Luca Benassi website:
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