Workshop 5: 'Culture driven Economy' - Contents
- Introduction by Hatto Fischer
- Proposals for Workshop 5: "Culture
driven Economy" by chairperson Gilbert
Lenssen - Workshop paper: "Culture / Economy" by Anastassios Karayiannis
- Culture on Terrain Vague: on the conditions of cultural growth
and ways
of learning management from art by Pierre Guillet de Monthoux - Discussion paper on Wealth and Employment Creation in the SME Sector by William A. Adam
- Mediterranean Economic Thought and Atlantic Economics by Prof. L. Baeck
- Culture, Economics and Technology - the oncoming challenge for Europe and "How Realistic are Regions of Sustainability" by Prof. F. Moser
- Paradigm Shift in Economics and Management by Gilbert Lenssen
- Cultural Driven Market Economy by Kris Rogiers
- Report of Workshop "Culture oriented Economies" - Gilbert Lenssen
- Considerations and Reflections by Hatto Fischer
- Reference Material
- The Revival of the Moral Base in the Soviet Union by Prof. Louis Baeck
- List of Participants of Workshop 5
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