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Workshop 9: "Culture and Definition of Health: Art Therapist's Approaches"

- contents

Introduction by Hatto Fischer

1. Proposed Structure for Workshop 9

by Dr. Karin Dannecker (chairperson)

2. The Situation of Art Therapy

by Dr. Karin Dannecker

3. Disturbances upon Identity: Health Issues and the European Art Therapists' Approach

by Nizetta Anagnostopoulou-Ionannidou

4. Art Therapy in Holland: History and Present Situation

by Truus Wertheim-Cahen

5. Art Therapy - Extract from Lexique D'Art Therapie "Dunod"

Paris Jan. 1995 by Geoff Troll / Dr. Jean Rodriguez

6. Statement about Art Therapy by PD Dr. med. G. Waser

7. Summary and Statement of Workshop 9

by Dr. phil. Karin Dannecker

Impressions & Reflections by Dr. Diane Waller


Considerations and Reflections by Hatto Fischer

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