Participants of Workshop 4
Gut, Peter - chairperson
Berlin Senate's Department for Employment and Women's Affairs
Referat IV E - Vocational Training -
Storkower St. 134
10 407 Berlin
Koch, Hans Konrad
Director for KAW (Konzertierte Aktion Weiterbilding)
Ministry for Education and Science
Heinemannstr. 2
53170 Bonn
Potamianos, Makis
DG V/B/1 European Commission
200 rue de la Loi
B - 1049 Bruxelles
Saridaki, Maria Dr.
Educational Centre of the Agricultural Bank of Greece
El. Venizelou 154 and Antigones
N. Erithrea 146 71 Athens
Sofianopoulos, Janis
Kontoskaliou 4
113 23 Athens
Valencia, Joe
Network of Migrant Workers from the Philippines
P.O. Box 4035
102 10 Athens
Walch, Peter
Berlin Senate's Department for Employment and Women's Affairs
Referat IV E - Vocational Training
Storkower St. 134
10 407 Berlin
« Beyond Mere Employment Schemes - Interregional Activities to safeguard Employment - what Migrant workers in Europe are asking for | Workshop 5: 'Culture driven Economy' - Contents »