Ποιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do

Participants of Workshop 1

Danau, Dominique - chairperson

Sociologist, researcher
Hoogbrugstraat 43
NL - 6221 CP Maastricht
Tel. 31 43 21 67 24
FAX 31 43 25 57 12

Contargyris, Thanos

Manager / DIALOGOS
Fokidos 26
G - Athens 11526
Tel. 30 1 77 89 035
FAX 30 1 77 17 388

Grigoriadis, Alexandra

Teacher of English / Teacher Trainer
38 Chrysostomou Smyris
G - Athens 11144
Tel. 30 1 20 29 909

Gourtsoyanni, Melitta

Architect / Advisor to the European Commission, DG V
200 Rue de la Loi
B - Bruxelles
Tel. 32 2 295 4679
FAX 32 2 295 1178
or now in Athens
(new address c/o DIALOGOS)

Kartheuser, Bruno

Poet and Editor of 'Krautgarten', Forum fuer Junge Literatur
B - 4784 Neundorf 30
Tel. 32 80 227 376
FAX 32 80 229 412

Kern, Rudolf

Vice President of the 'European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages' (Dublin, Brussels) /
Fonteinstraat 30/4
Tel. 32 16 205 387
FAX 32 16 205 387

Kiossoglou-Adams, Angela

Artemidos 6
G - Melissia 15127
Tel. 30 1 804 1212
30 1 671 4621 (office 09h30 - 13h30)
FAX 30 1 647 8156

Lombaert, Ruben

Research Assistent, College of Europe
Dyver 11
B - Brugge
Tel. 32 50 335 334
FAX 32 50 343 158
Doornikse Heerweg 121
B - 9700 Oudenaarde
Tel. 32 55 313 879
FAX 32 55 313 879

Marsh, Jesse

Viale Romagna 58
I - Milano
Tel. 39 2 7063 3766
39 2 2666 974
FAX 39 2 7063 1508

Papaconstantiou, Anastasia

Ass. Prof. Applied Linguistics Athens University
40 Georgiou Stavrou
G - Philothei - Athens 15237
Tel. 30 1 672 6534

Verluyten, Sylvain Paul

University of Antwerp RUCA/TEW
Middelheimlaan 1
B - 2020 Antwerp
Tel. 32 3 218 0760
FAX 32 3 218 0652

Lepoutre, Carl

Cabinet of Minister-President of the Flemish Government
Jozef II straat 30
B - 1040 Brussels
Tel. 32 2 227 2911
FAX 32 2 227 2905

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