Consciousness, Wh by Margaret A. Harrell
Letters that arrive out of the computer:
"I was just a university student when the association between the artist and Greece was so important, not only for Greek history but also for the themes in that; for instance, the wound and the artist, in the ancient drama The Wound and the Bow, which made a strong impression on me. I remember the light show on the Acropolis, but it's not necessary to go in Greece to a place so known to find that atmosphere."
In the past, when people have had PC (personal computer) experiences on a large scale, there was the incident itself and no larger context or purpose. It disappeared with the person, and in the case of the nineteenth-century practitioners, the phenomenon itself dwindled as did the atmosphere in which it occurred. For that went with a more "spiritual" orientation, a more casual acceptance of the source specified by the PC medium, and less interest and expertise in the use of statistics. Beginning with the mediumship had a chance to develop a wider acceptance, for paradoxically if it could survive such a test, it would be not only an isolated phenomenon but one that fitted into a new world view.
Having the good fortune of being involved in PC mediumship at this time, I would like to see that wider framework developed, and in fact experience all that happens to me, in the line of PC, with the view of understanding (in a form of scientifically communicable) the explanation. Were that to be possible, we would enlarge, for a great number of people, the basic guidelines as to what is 'normally' possible.
We would have to understand how laws that look to be self-explanatory to the eye yet in certain contexts are made impotent and that there must be a law to explain even those. But what?
To begin with, there is the self-evident, to the eye, law of cause and effect; or rather, say physical cause and effect. If I put pressure on an object, it will move. And if I do not put physical pressure on that object, it will not move. But we also know that this is not entirely true, because we have accepted the existence of gravity. We have allowed that it has a force not purely physical for without having a human form, such as does the normal container of the physical cause, it yet is a physical cause. We have entered a murky world, where cause, for a physical effect, sometimes resides in the law itself, in intangible and unlocatable phenomena. It is as if the universe is hiding things from us, as if we have to go into new areas and like children are being drawn there, almost in the form of a game.
Let me preface this by saying that I have a strong sense of what is causing the PC with me, but will assume it is something I don't know, in order to set up evidence. The test will have to be one in the form of consciousness, not only because it has to show that the changes in the text of my computer are meaningful, but because they are subtle. They are not there simply to prove that the non-physical instructions to the computer could be possible - that to send an electric current through the computer channels without touching the computer is possible per se - but to communicate the spirit through which the signal was given; that is, to make the larger 'evidence' the basis for any test of proof. Shamans will tell us that energy is alive. They will say this is something not written down in books. They talk about Spirit and have ceremonies based on it. It is bewildering to a scientist trying to set up his test on a statistical basis what approach to take with this. 'Channels' will tell us they receive information through the air. How do we test what that is? It is as if there are television stations that we are not aware of, parallel to those we establish on the ground. And wasn't that what Plato told us?
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