Peter Huchel
Peter Huchel, ever one of my favourite German poets. Years ago I translated and published in POINT’s series a small anthology of his poetry (as well Reiner Kunze, Bertold Brecht, Sarah Kirsch…) and dedicated to him a poem, also the title of my poetry collection. The English translation might need to be brushed up, but I hope you enjoy it.
A poetic salute
Germain Droogenbroodt
Forty at the wall
to Peter Huchel
Through the suffocating heat
sounds the crumhorn
the signal:
the sun paralyzes
the crusty earth
the refreshment
at the source
in front of the herd
- thoughtful now
strides the man
pulls from his shepherd’s purse
the old shawm
and sings out
with a soft wavering voice
his melancholy.
POINT Editions: poems from the world's best
known and unknown poets in English, Spanish, Dutch, Arab…
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