Connecting scales: from the infinitively large to the infinitively small - Stavros Katsanevas
Presentation on 5th of Sept. 2015 in Olympia
There are many elements in any attempt to explain the cosmos. They range from the mythical, religious, philosophical, artistic, to the scientific.
We will talk about connecting scale for this is a golden ladder connecting various scales. Following questions guide our research, searches and reflections:
are the particles / causes immanent or transcendent?
is this cosmos eternal or was there a 'beginning'?
what is the nature of space and time?
what are the elements that constitute the cosmos?
what are the principles of change and permanence?
is the cosmos we are living in unique?
what is the place of man in the cosmos?
Will the cosmos end and how?
Genealogy of the concept „Cosmos“
Cosmos appears for the first time in Homer., Book XIV of Iliad to describe the splendid ornaments and the beautiful dress arrangements of Hera:
Μετά η Ήρα φόρεσε ένα χιτώνα θεϊκό φτιαγμένο από την Αθηνά με πολλαπλά κεντίδια στεριώνοντάς τον στο στήθος της με περόνη χρυσή. Ζώστηκε δε μια ζώνη στολισμένη με εκατό θυσάνους. Στους τρυπημένους της λοβούς κρέμασε σκουλαρίκια τρίπετρα που έλαμπαν με χάρη πολλή. Το κεφάλι της η μεγάλη θεά το κάλυψε με ένα πέπλο αφόρετο, πανώριο και λευκό σαν τον ήλιο. Στα λαμπερά της πόδια έδεσε όμορφα πέδιλα. Αφού λοιπόν έτσι έθεσε γύρω από το σώμα της τον κόσμο της βγήκε από το δωμάτιο.
Now, Hera of the Golden Throne saw Poseidon, who was both her brother and brother-in-law, from the heights of Olympus, as he rushed about the field where men win glory, and she rejoiced. But she saw Zeus too, seated on the topmost peak of Ida of the many streams, whose actions angered her. Then the ox-eyed Queen thought how she might distract aegis-bearing Zeus from the war, and this idea seemed best: to go to Ida, beautifully arrayed, to see if he could be tempted to clasp her in his arms and lie with her, then she might clothe his eyes and cunning mind in warm and gentle sleep. She therefore went to the room fashioned for her by her dear son Hephaestus, with its strong doors fitted to the doorposts, and its hidden bolt no other god could open. She entered and closed the gleaming doors behind her. Then she cleansed every mark from her lovely body with rich and gentle ambrosial oil, deeply fragrant. If its scent was released in Zeus’ palace, whose threshold was of bronze, it would spread through heaven and earth. With this she anointed her shapely form, then combed her hair, and with her own two hands plaited the lovely glistening ambrosial tresses that flowed from her immortal head. Then she clothed herself in an ambrosial robe that Athene had worked smooth, and skilfully embroidered, fastening it over her breasts with golden clasps, and at her waist with a hundred-tasselled belt. She fixed an earring, a gracefully gleaming triple-dropped cluster, in each pierced lobe then covered her head in a beautiful shining veil, glistening bright as the sun, and bound fine sandals on her shining feet. When her body was all adorned, she left her room...
This he sent to Andrei Linde (Russian-American theoretical physicist and the Harald Trap Friis Professor of Physics at Stanford University) who replied with a short letter to say: „Dear Stavros, thanks a lot! I always thought that cosmology is very sexy, but now in such a poetic representation my suspicions became reality! Thank you so much, I will try to eplore it further! Andrei.“
« Pythagoras was the first to use the concept cosmos to describe the totality of things » Aetius
The incident of the 5 hammers: Number behind harmony and therefore cosmos and the soul. Pythagoras realized that there was harmony and therefore reality is a number and when I am happy in my soul, then celestial harmonies have been there to show the connection between cosmos and the soul. Thinks all stars follow a pattern and therefore there is harmony. Start of a 2000 year search for celestial harmonies.
Randomness, violence, multiplicity included in the concept of “order”
«ως σάρμα εική κεχυμένον ο κάλλιστος κόσμος» - a random pile of things is the most beautiful cosmos Heraclitus
« Βακχαιθαύμαευκοσμίας » Bacchae a miracle of cosmicity… Euripides
« Οι μεν γαρ απείρους τω πλήθει τους κόσμους υποθέμενοι ως οι περί Αναξίμανδρον και Λεύκιππον και Δημόκριτον, γινομένους και φθειρομένους υπέθεντο επ’ άπειρον». Simplicius
There is no such thing about the order of things.
Randomness of things is more factual.
Cosmos, genealogy of the concept III
Cosmos is a model for social order, both for ancient Greek and Chinese civilisations.
Ainsi cosmos signifie-t-il en même temps parure et toute splendeur en général; univers ou totalité des êtres et constitution politique fondée sur la loi; principe d’ordre et d’harmonie qui règle aussi bien les rapports entre les êtres qu’entre les éléments de chaque être; vertu ou bien immanents à chaque être et lui permettant de devenir ce qu’il est et de se maintenir tel qu’il est. K. Papaionannou states as philosopher states that start of harmony allows everyone to become what they are to become of the humane - – if only we allow the small village take their course K. Papaioannou
Les hameaux dit T’ai-koung-tiao sont les plus petites agglomérations humaines… Leurs maximes, maximes des hameaux sont des traditions formées dans le temps comme une montagne est faite des poignées de terre. Elles sont l’expression de l’expérience, qui résulte de l’observation des phénomènes naturelles… Tout va bien dans l’empire à condition qu’on leur laisse à leur libre cours. Tel le Tao , indifférent, impartial, laisse tous les choses suivre leur libre cours, sans les influencer. We find this in the Chinese culture – the social world according to Tchoang Tzeu: slow agglomeration Tchoang-Tzeu
Que le monde soit cosmos fut une des décisions constitutives de notre histoire intellectuelle - – the universe is the road and the decision H. Blumenberg
Cosmos and the Elements, Timeus and De Caelo
The Moon separates the cosmos in 2 regions:
Sublunary: uncertainty, generation and corruption, matter formed from the 4 elements è Trivium (logic, rhetoric, grammar)
Surlunar: precision, eternal movement , a 5th element: quintessence (πεμπτουσια) è Quadrivium: (geometry, arithmetic, harmony, cosmology)
Cosmos and the elements – Timeus and de Caelo – five elements: earth water air fire – ice vapour according to Plato are a part of fundamental particles forming primordial triangles.
Plato identifies the 5 elements with the 5 platonic solids to represent.
Change: rearrangement of primordial triangles
tetrahedron cube octahedron dodecheron icosahedron
earth water air fire quintessence
Theories of change: phase transitions, emergence of the opposites
Theories of permanence (conservation): Empedoclean (Parmenidian) principle (principle of sufficient reason): Why an element would appear or disappear at a specific point in space and a specific point in time and not elsewhere ? è No generation/disappearance of elements, only rearrangements of eternal elements.
First Modern Cosmologies Galileo and Newton spoke about gravitational space and its unification
Universal law of Gravity (action at a distance) can predict the invisible
Unification of celestial and earth gravity. No more 2 regions of different nature
Newton “It is inconceivable that inanimate brute matter should without the mediation of something else which is not material, operate upon and affect other matter without mutual contact”; Hypotheses non-fingo.
Successes: Gravity can predict the «invisible»: Neptune from the Uranus anomalies..
Newtonian cosmology: infinite-eternal Universe. But 2 problems:
Only attraction. Universe unstable to the slightest perturbation and collapsing to a single point.
Olber’s paradox: Why the sky is dark at night?
Why darkness – need a new theory which came as answer to Newton – Einstein came along with the relativity theory – Gravity is the stage not the actor – mass and space – the geometry of space time is determined by its content in energy and mass and vice versa. Once it was discovered that the universe is expanding, it was a blunder for Einstein as to what he had maintained.
Einstein’s solution to Newton’s question:
General relativity (1915)
The geometry of space-time is determined by its content in energy and mass and vice-versa
Geometry – energy mass
This gives a classical explanation of universal attraction. «Gravity is the stage not the actor»
Supposing that the Universe is static and eternal, he introduced a cosmological constant Λ with “repulsion” characteristics, counterbalancing universal attraction. When later the expansion of the Universe was discovered, he called Λ “my biggest blunder” although dark energy discovered ca 2000 could be Λ
The main conclusions follow out of that:
The geometry (energy/mass) of the Universe determines its future
Spherical hyperbolic flat (Euclidean)
The world beyond the moon (ex-world of “quitessence”)
It follows that:
The horizon of the e.m visible is perceived in terms of light years with 1 light = 10 /16 m > Visible Universe 15 x 10.25m
Earth is always our only observatory, our empire of the middle. The past is not behind us, but surrounds us. It reminds of the search for times lost – Proust: “car ces resurrections du passe, ans la seconde qu'elles durent...forcent...notre personne toute entiere a se croire entouree par eux... Temps Retrouve M. Proust
Hubble (1930) stated that the Universe is expanding, but then two important observations were added:
The farthest galaxies recede with the highest speed. This leads on to the conclusion, that there was a time when the matter of galaxies was very close together.
The Universe had a beginning!!! - most likely 13,7 billion years is estimated to be the age of the universe
The Universe is not only in expansion but in accelerated expansion (dark energy, Λ).
New scalar field like th Higgs “quitessence”;
Simply Λ?
It is NOT an explosion from a single point.
This is said because the distance between ALL galaxies increases. Space is created between them. While everything was closer in the past, it meant as well that in the past density and temperature were much higher.
Στοβαιος· « Εν δε τω περί Πυθαγόρου φιλοσοφίας πρώτω γράφει τον μεν ουρανόν ειναι ένα, επεισάγεσθαι δε εκ του απείρου χρόνον τε και πνοήν και το κενόν, ο διορίζει εκάστων τας χώρας αεί » Stovaios · "In the mean time not on philosopher Pythagoras first writes the true heaven is one, epeisagesthai with reference to the infinite time te and breath and vacuum, the appoint each Tash country forever"
Dyson: If the Universe was static and eternal and not in expansion , there would be no structure in the Universe, every structure would have been destroyed by thermalisation (entropy)
to repeat: Hubble (1930) The universe is expanding, and yes, there is a beginning to our earth.
Penzias and Wilson Nobel -plasma: cosmological microwave – came across radio waves which have the same temperature – they discovered this very wall in 1965 – creation of nuclear elements – lets get to the temperature inside the sun – first nuclear elements Deuterium, helium,
when discovery bumped into a wall, it was established not an impenetrable wall but a plasma wall made up of visible / invisible matter or particles. The beginning it is not an explosion from a single point while it can be assumed that over time the distance between all galaxies increases and space is created between them.
Cosmological Microwave Background (Penzias and Wilson Nobel)
We celebrate the 50 years discovery (1965)
Gamow et al.: If the Universe becomes denser and denser, at some point (when the Universe was 1000 times smaller) it should have the density/temperature of the surface of the sun (T=3000°).
The ionised plasma of electrons, protons and photons recombine to form neutral atoms. The Universe becomes transparent. The photons, after their last diffusion can travel without absorption till us.
The expansion of the Universe changes their wavelength , from the visible to radio-wave frequencies (cosmological microwave background, CMB). It has a perfect blackbody spectrum.
It should happen 400.000 years after the first instants
Creation of the nuclear elements (αβγ).
Even further back in time the Universe rγeaches the temperature at the interior of the sun (1 billion degrees).
The first nuclear elements Deuterium, Helium, Berylium Lithium are formed by fusion as in the interior of the sun.
Not enough time, the neutron decays (lifetime 9 minutes) if not inside a nucleus, it all happens the first few minutes.
Perfect matching with abundances as measured in astrophysics.
Other elements ? è Fusion in Stars and nuclear reactions in stellar explosions (supernova)
It is known that matter (quarks, leptos, neutrinos) is only a small part of the mass of the universe (cyclical bastards), so it comes to a redefining of mass being visible and invisible. For instance, when light goes in the hole, then we have focus phenomenon. It can mean to have a galaxy behind the wall. It can be seen what mass is between us and that galaxy. Wilson discovered the uniformity of the radio waves. There was, however, no perfect order, only areas of higher and lower density. These were seeds or clusters, and where we had the first clusters of mass, there was the indication of being yellow representing higher density, while blue was for lower density.
Fluctuations – the cosmological microwave – shows big bang was a violent change . A number of harmonics were produced – gravitational waves – waves in the plasma have almost the speed of sound – music of the sky consists of a thousand waves.
There has to be added the harmonic analysis of the fluctuations of the primordial plasma.
Earth like a bubble in a glass formed by a cluster of galaxy – fluctuations -. formation of structure by gravitational collapse – dark matter does not suffice – there is needed regulation (feedback) from violent phenomena and this is particle physics to help us study what made our universe
High energy cosmic rays
What are the fluctuations of the cosmological microwave background?
Increasing the precision of detection of the cosmological microwave background Smoot and Mather (Nobel prize 2006) with the satellite COBE detected the anisotropies (matter fluctuations) that were the seeds of the formation of cosmological structures.
What are the fluctuations of the cosmological microwave background ?
A violent change at the origin of the visible Universe (inflation?) creates waves as if we were hitting a bell or a string (also gravitational waves)
Knowing that the waves in the plasma have almost the speed of sound one knows the distance they should have travelled at the time of recombination
Furthermore the harmonic analysis of the fluctuations informs us on the constitution of the Universe at this epoque. As in current life the harmonic analysis of a sound informs us on the geometry and constitution the object hit.
Tsoaung-Tseu: The music of the sky replied Tseu-k’-i is formed by sounds combined in a thousand different ways, each emanating from itself. But what triggers this universal spontaneity?
What do we learn from the harmonic analysis of the fluctuations of the primordial plasma?
From the first pic : The visible Universe is Euclidian (flat geometry)
From the other pics:
Measurement of the normal matter density
Confirmation of dark matter and energy hypothesis (measurement of their values)
An « external » point of view
shows the big bang expansion over time (estimated to be 13.7 billion years old)
due to quantum fluctuations, the universe becomes transparent with first stars about 400 million light years away
there is an afterglow light with shows a pattern of the 400.000 years. It goes through dark ages and comes to the development of galaxies, plants., until the dark energy is noted as expression of an accelerated expansion
Formation of structure by gravitational collapse
Explanation of dark matter
The existence of dark matter not sufficient to explain the formation of cosmic structures, one needs regulation (feedback) from violent phenomena
In order to understand the violent phenomena associate many messengers è Multi-messenger astronomy: High energy photons, neutrinos, cosmic rays and gravitational waves
In this beginning of the 21st century, our knowledge of the Universe can be compared to the knowledge of the gases at the beginning of the 20th. We know with great precision the overall parameters and relations of macroscopic variables: in short its macrophysics, but we still lack the full knowledge of its elementary constituents: its microphysics G. Smoot (Nobel of Physics 2006, CMB)
At the beginning of the 21century we know about macro physics but not micro physics; like wise it is the same case in economics about consumer behaviour.
The elements of the subatomic world
(ex-world of “generation and corruption
Maxwell’s unification of electromagnetism
the concept of field
The electric and magnetic forces are not different entities but functions of a single field: the electromagnetic field A(x,t) taking different values at each space-time point.
Charges, currents are sources of the field
The field propagates at the speed of light which is the limiting velocity in the Universe (Einstein)
Quantum Mechanics : particle and wave unification in the subatomic world
Quanta, particles and antiparticles
Light a wave absorbed and emitted as a particle è Photon quantum
Also particles behave as waves è Subatomic World : Quantum Mechanics
Reconcile Quantum mechanics with special relativity è Dirac’s equation.
Dirac equationè antiparticles: particles with the same mass but opposite charge (electronsè positrons
E =mc 2
Energy = matter + anti-matter
Feynman's et al field theory answer to Newton's question: forces mediated by quanta
Interaction between two particles is due to exchange of quanta of the field e.g. a photon
The quantum nature of the vacuum
It comes close to emptiness of a vase or of a vacuum which brings about quantum creativity – an argument against Empedocles
The quantum vacuum is the fundamental state of energy
Particle –antiparticle pairs emmerge continuously from it for a time interval permitted by the principle of Heisenberg (virtual particles) Δ(Energy) x Δ (time) > h; Enegy conservation can be violated for a small enough lapse of time
Quantum fluctuations of the vacuum
Quantum creativity, against Empedokles argument.
Tao-te-king (Lao Tzeu, V-IVe BC): Although thirty spokes converge at the hub, it is the median vacuum that makes the chariot run. Clay is used to form jars but it is on the inner emptiness that their use depends. Are there rooms without windows and doors? Because it is emptiness again that allows the habitat. The being has abilities that the non-being employs .
Standard model of matter and interactions
matter – atom – electron – neutron – proton – quarks
so that
- strong forces binds the nucleas
- weak force in radioactive decay
- electromagnetic force binds atoms
- gravitational force binds the solar system
3 vital concepts: quarks, forces and leptons
Particles and interactions would have no mass if there was not the Higgs field (particle)
Making the invisble visible
Can we go beyond the horizon of the em visible?
Further back in time ?
As we did with nucleosynthesis?
Detect specific particles, their decays, produce them
Calculate the impact on the em CMB « wall »
Detect directly GW and neutrinos “passing through”
Physics of the instant: phase transition
« Il n'y a rien au monde qui n'ait un moment décisif. » Cardinal De Retz
A small variation of a parameter (e.g. Temperature) induces dramatic changes of order
Dyson: At every stage of evolution of the Universe we see transitions order-disorder with the same characteristics: sudden emergence of structures that did not exist before
10-4 seconds, T= 1013 K, (E= 1GeV, 10-16 m)
Phase transitions of quarks and gluons to protons/neutrons
From eary universe to neutron stars – development along axis of temperature/ baryon density
Quarks combine to form protons and neutrons
Studied at LHC/CERN (Alice)
Electroweak symmetry breaking, Higgs
t=10-13 seconds, 1016 K (1000 GeV, 10-19 m)
Era of production of dark matter ?
Higgs mechanism
High temperature (energy) state
è symmetric
è Particles massless
Low temperature state
Higgs mechanism giving mass to the particles)
Higgs discovered at CERN in 2014
The question is if this amounts to an “Angelic” transition?
Higgs' mechanism explained further:
if you have high temperature: symmetric, particles are massless
but when temperatures are regularity lower, then asymmetric and thereby giving mass to the particles
Theory as guidance.
In order to have a coherent Higgs theory we need to postulate a new symmetry: supersymmetry (« shadow » particles with different spin.
Out of particles interacting emerge supersymmetric “shadow” particles.
They are excellent candidates of dark matter
We look for them actively, for instance in Underground laboratories
Search for dark matter in underground laboratories
Cosmic rays: 1 million (106) through our body every day
To be compared with 1015 DM/ day (only 1-10 interact)
We need to shield from CR
Diagram shows Darkside in underground laboratory of Gran Sasso
Thracian girl to Thales when he descended in a well:
“ Looking up in the stars and you do not watch what is under your feet”
Matter over anti matter
10-26 seconds, 1027 T (1014 GeV, 10-30 m)
Era starting dominance of matter over antimatter ?
There was overproduction of matter over antimatter 1 over 10 billion, due to « majorana » neutrino decays (C and CP violation) and transmission of the asymmetry to quarks (lepton and quark (baryon) number violation) in conditions outside equilibrium. Sakharov conditions
The search for drk matter in undergroun laboratories
Cosmis rays : 1 million through our body every day
A tpyical neutrino-less double-beta decay 1 per ton of material per year
We need to shield from CR
NEMO3 in Underground Laboratory of Modane
Grand Unification era
10-35 sec, 1029 K (1016 GeV, 10-32m)
The mechanism of inflation most probably related to the phase transition that separates the interactions strong and eledtroweak from the unigied subatomic interaction (GUT)
Do interactions unify at some energy(1016 GeV)?
If interactions unify then the proton must decay.
Another active search in underground laboratories
SuperkamioKande in Japan: calculated according to the Golden Mode
At the origin of the CMB fluctuations: inflation
Why ?
Causally disconnected regions have the same temperature?
The Universe is Euclidean (flat)?
There are no monopoles?
Answer: Inflation,
There is φ scalar field that “inflates” the dimensions of the Universe very early, beyond the dimensions of the causally connected horizon
Inflation as a violent phenomenon produces gravitational waves
Inflation is as close as we can get in the beginning of the Universe with a theory accepted by all
A scalar field the inflaton (as Higgs or dark energy) is in on an unstable minimum. Starts a slow roll towards a stable minimum
During the slow roll accelerated expansion è inflation. Fluctuations of quantum origin are projected in macroscopic dimensions, become the seeds of formation of cosmic structures Energy is conserved since gravitation potential has an opposite sign to this of subatomic interactions
Acceleration stops when it reaches a stable minimum (reheating) production of particles.
The Empedoklean paradox (why here and not there? ) is answered, it is all a matter of random fluctuations
« The Universe is the ultimate free lunch » A. Guth
Gravitational imprint of inflation
With inflation quantum fluctuations are projected to macroscopic dimensions
Gravitational waves having a quadrupolar form give a quadrupolar imprint on these fluctuations
The CMB photons scattering from these quadrupolarly deformed fluctuations obtain quadrupolar polarisation (B)
Detecting the B polarisation è detect inflation.
Definition of Astroparticle Physics
Going up and down the cosmic ladder
The Astroparticle theme after LHC/PLANCK/ν
results can be reduced to 2 fundamental questions:
Are there any intermediate scales between the EW and Inflation ? If yes where are they ? (Unification, SeeSaw, TeV, eV)
Inflation, dark matter and energy
Neutrino mass and proton decay
Primordial gravitational waves
Are there new energy scales at work in the most violent phenomena of the Universe? How do particles and fields shape the formation and evolution of cosmic structures ?
High energy photons, neutrinos, CR
Violent phenomena gravitational waves
Can we come closer to the « beginning » ?
PLANCK scale: Scale where gravity strength is comparable to this of subatomic interactions. time= 5 10-44 sec, T= 1,4 1032 (1019 GeV, 1,6 10-35 m). Not a true theory yet.
What is the nature of “beginning” ? 3 proposals.
There is no singlarity in a 4D spacetime as there is no border on the surface of a sphere. In the « beggining » time becomes space. (Hawking, Parmenides)
There is no space-time before the emergence of matter, space-time a property of matter, it is emergent (strings, Leibnitz)
“Beginning” is a collision of mem-branes of higher dimensions. Universe starts from a vacuum (inflation) and ends with a vacumm (dark energy). Starting all over again; Ekpyrotic and Cyclic Universe. (Smolin, Stoics)
Theology? No since all these theories are testable, e.g. with GW
A change in symmetry -
can we come closer – Planck scale – have the Hawkings theory states that there is no singularity
are we looking at the same universe – we look only at a part – is there something else? Some people claim there are multiple universes with different laws -
Anaximandros – the first philosophical of fragment - surprisingly modern
Thoughts turned to identifying what is this if neither water but a different matter which is a prior (infinite or formless) as material cause?
Anaximander of Miletos, son of Praxiades, a fellow-citizen and associate of Thales, said that the material cause and first element of things was the apeiron (infinite or formless), he being the first to introduce this name for the material cause.
He says it is neither water nor any other of the so-called elements, but a substance different from them, which is apeiros, from which arise all the heavens and the different cosmos within them. And into that from which things take their rise they pass away once more, "as is ordained; for they make reparation and satisfaction to one another for their injustice according to the appointed time," as he says in these somewhat poetical terms. —Phys. Op. fr. 2 (R. P. 16).
Yi Jing
But equally modern is the first phrase of the classic of changes by Yi-Jing (I-ching)
It is based on two observations:
- large is the capacity of capacity
- clouds pass, rain spreads
乾 元亨利贞(Qian, Yuan heng li zhen)
(Initiating capacity, beggining, emergence, profit, rectitude
Large (infinite?) is the capacity of Qian (initiating capacity) , ten thousand beings emerge from its depths, so that it commands the Sky.
Clouds pass, the rain spreads: the beings according to their category flow in their actualisation…
The Way of Qian modifying-transforming, everything correcting its nature-destiny.
Conserving unified: large harmony.
From where profit and rectitude
My amateur translation from french to english of a commentary (IVe century before our era) found in “Entrer dans une pensée” by François Julien
Voyage without end
movement and repulsion
Voyage without end ? (Simopoulos?)
Remember Dante’s accusation of Ulysses as a “false councillor” in Inferno for never wanting to stop.
A feeling expressed in Tennyson Ulysses (2nd Odyssey)
…I am a part of all that I have met;
Yet all experience is an arch where through
gleams that untraveled world, whose margin fades
for ever and for ever when I move,
How dull it is to pause, to make an end,…
‘Tis not too late to seek a newer world…
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
or Voyage back to the beginning?
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of our exploring, will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time T.S. Eliott
History is an epic poem ...its two main parts: one that represents the beginning of humanity from its centre and its progression to the farthest point thereof and one that represents its return from this point to the Centre. We can compare the first to the Iliad, the other to the Odyssey. Schelling.
Is it not another expression of the Tao ,
the Way or Voyage ? And its two manifestations :
this of movement (yang) and repose (yin) ?
Keys of the transformations of Nature ?
And towards the end ?
What about the end* ?
Era of stars
*A much more risky enterprise scientifically
è large extrapolations of physics we do not master completely…
è also who will be there to check with experiment and give a Nobel prize ?
Death of the earth and the sun
Sun-earth symbiosis up to now: 4,5 billion years
In 1 billion years, luminosity of the sun will have increased by 7%, heat will destroy the C02 cycle , photosynthesis and therefore the O2 production .
In 4 billion years the sky will be very beautiful to see, Andromeda galaxy will merge with Milky way (no harm for stars)
In 5 billion years the red giant may have almost the dimensions of the earth orbit.
In 10 billion years the sun will become a white dwarf
In 100 billion years the universe acceleration (dark energy) will take the other galaxies out of sight
Formation/evolution of stars continues for another 100 billion years (1014 years), then there is no more gas in galaxies to form stars, and even the smaller stars have ended their life and become neutron stars, black holes, white and brown dwarfs etc.
In 1015 years galaxies star loosing their stars through dynamic relaxation
Degenerate era ( 1015 – 1040 years)
Black holes increase their size through star and gas accretion
Star formation is done only through collisions of brown dwarfs
White dwarfs capture particles of dark matter
The era ends with the decays of protons
Black hole era (1040 – 10100 years)
Black holes are the most louminus stellar objects, they radiate through Hawking radiation
At the end of the era black holes evaporate completely
Dark era (>10100 years)
Only electrons, positrons, photons and neutrinos navigate around the universe
Will there be a Medusa raft to save life as long as the Universe ?
Till the end of star era (100000 times the age of the present Universe) we could migrate between stars.
After that, temperature will be too low for skin and blood, we should migrate our intelligence to systems that operate in low temperature : silicon. This will last till the moment that the ambient temperature will become so low that would not even permit a quantum jump.
Then we will need to migrate intelligence to analogic systems, e.g. clouds of dust communicating « slowly » with electromagnetic signals (see th SF work of Fred Hoyle: Black cloud)
But at in final end the dark energy will get us. There will be no communication possible
Finally between ourselves, let us be curious, let us think, calculate, love each other, be optimists.
During a private visit to Louvre, we all gathered in front of the painting by Delacroix of the Medusa raft. Underneath the display of the group photo in front of the painting, there was the caption:
You see the state that I am and I am not afraid of the possibility that protons decay, why should you ? It was an unconfirmed answer to a question by a worried spectator by S. Hawking.
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