Ποιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do

Iera Odos (Sacred Way) by Stamatis Polenakis



So, is this is the road of mysteries? This is where the processions and initiates passed? What does all this mean to us today, I wonder? For us, the heirs of this remote and incomprehensible world who awoke one day with this marble head in their hands?However much we try to grasp its hidden meaning, the ancient world, more distant than the most remote stars, remains intact and inaccessible. Our civilization has been reduced to rubble. Today it is easy enough for anybody to go anywhere. Today everyone goes; but no one comes from Eleusina.


Taken from:

Stamatis Polenakis, "WANDERING THROUGH THE CITY OF ATHENS", Translated from the Greek by Richard Pierce, to be published in READER about GREECE, Mumbai: Paperwall, editor: Poiein kai Prattein, 2016.

This piece was read at the 26th World Poetry Festival in Medellin when discussing the mysteries of Eleusis in a panel making up the Second Reading 21 June 2016. The text was translated into Spanish.





Entonces, ¿es este el camino de los misterios? ¿Por acá pasaron las procesiones y los iniciados? ¿Todo eso qué significa para nosotros hoy? me pregunto. ¿Para nosotros, herederos de este mundo remoto e incomprensible, quienes despertamos un día para encontrar esta cabeza de mármol entre las manos? No importa cuánto nos esforcemos en alcanzar su significado secreto, el mundo antiguo, más distante que las estrellas más lejanas, permanece intacto e inaccesible. Nuestra civilización ha sido reducida a escombros. Hoy es fácil para cualquiera ir donde sea. Hoy todos van; pero nadie viene de Eleusina.


Tomado de:

Stamatis Polenakis, "Vagando por la ciudad de Atenas”. 2016.



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