Overload was written by Norb Blei on 27.1.2012 and indicates what took shape in his final year since he sensed what was coming once the lights go out. He was not overworked or overwhelmed but felt rather responsible if he could not get back to anyone who had sent him a poem, a text or a lengthy manuscript. That he would have loved to see the Greek islands before it was too late, there is no doubt. It was a part of the link he had to me in knowing I live in Athens and more so showed itself when we talked about Ritsos and other poets.
Hatto Fischer
Athens 5.7.2013
What the enclosed attachment reveals, both on and on top the chair, are just some of the manuscripts and books people send me (there's another stack in my back study). Much of this mail going well back to last year, 2010. And I suspect there may even be some postmarked 2009.
This is how my life goes (has been going). Part of it. I get to it when I can, if I can...
I can lay some of the blame on: health issues (the past two years); writing my own books and works-in-progress; planning and writing to four online sites; my life as the publisher/editor of Cross+Roads Press; a heavy reading load (an hour, sometimes 2,3, or 4 every night); preparations to teach; maintaining a house by myself (cleaning, cooking, washing, shopping, bill-paying, upkeep inside and outside; a persistent need to get into town once a day--breakfast, coffee, lunch... and "see people". Yes, most importantly there are friends, and family---not to mention those trying relationships. Once in a while there's also that old yen to leave everything behind, close the door, get-the-hell-out-of-here, travel again--the way I used to. (That itch has been more persistent lately...other places in the world I'd like to see--Japan, the south of France, Israel, South America, a return to the Greek Islands, before the lights go out for good.
Finally there's all the mail from so many of you good people. Which way too often these past few years...I just can't get around to, no matter how much I mean to, how much I try.
I want to assure you that I am thankful you are out there, thankful you are writing, thankful some of you are publishing or aiming to publish, thankful you think my reading and possibly commenting (doing something, anything) concerning you, your work might it some way be helpful...
This is just to warn you what you are up against these days should you knock on my door, drop a book, manuscript, or letter in my P.O. Box 33 Ellison Bay mailbox, fire off an e-mail (perhaps never receive a reply...concentration these days being pure hell).
Welcome to my world: an old, tired, bemused writer trying to be a friend when he can...trying to deal with all the short days and long nights. Trying to encourage you to keep at it. Stay with it. Read more. Write better. E-mail/snail-mail me a note or letter, if you dare,and I'll try my best to get back to you. Though there's always a chance it may not happen.
Don't give up on me. More importantly, don't give up on yourself.
norb blei
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