Cultural premises for future development
The recommendations by Baptise Marray, poet in Paris
Baptiste Marray speaks about the importance of intangible heritage and collective memory, as both are in danger of being destroyed. Linked to that is the issue of human rights. And as a poet he knows that both of these complex thematic work in need of being done depends upon good reporting while reports have to be distinguished clearly from 'fiction' or stories told about a certain place. Another point to be taken into consideration is the circulation or movement of people. At this time in Europe a lot has changed after the Berlin Wall came down in 1989. Naturally this means to focus with great care upon the East-West relationships and how this affects the movement of people. At the same time, there is another divide to be worried about: the one between the poor and the rich. This is not merely about accummulation of capital, but what enriches people's lives by way of culture giving them a self understanding and tools to appreciate life. As artist this matter of bridging the divide is how the 'other' is perceived. Here the artistic contribution can be appreciated but also seen how important is a profound glance at other people. To take another look means to follow the wish to come to terms with the reality of the others. At local places there are special places where cultural meanings can be discovered. As they make life possible, but is also the material life is made off, it may entail the story of the one farmer stubbornly refusing to sell his goats while the priest of Kamilari is the only one left with a donkey to remind the others how they used to farm and on what they relied for transportation. It boils down to overcome negative memories which have split communities in the past and therefore leads on to thinking quite differently as to the meaning and significance of innovation and creativity. Out of it can be evolved the line of cultural actions.
After re-visiting the notes of Baptiste Marray HF 19.4.2010
Notes of Bapiste Marray used for his presentation in Kamilari 1995
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