Ποιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do

The Pnyx Declaration

Spyros Mercouris reading out the Pynx Declaration



Athens, Greece


The Mayor of Athens, Dora Bakoyannis, the Representatives of cultural networks in Europe, around the Mediterranean Sea, and other parts of the world, and the Melina Mercouri Foundation,

United at the Pnyx, the cradle of democracy, where, 2.500 years ago, the basis of our European political civilisation was established, and democracy was exercised for the first time, thus creating the conditions for the free development and the full flourishing of Art and Literature

Considering the significant role of culture in the past, present, and future

Considering that culture, the arts and literature, form one of the most fundamental bases of our human experience

Considering that we are all united by a common heritage, based on the principles of tolerance, respect and open-mindedness, wherever we act

Recognising Greece’s role in world culture and ever conscious of Greece’s initiative to establish the institution of Cultural Capitals

Reaffirming our evaluation on the success of the institution of the Cultural Capitals of Europe, which Athens initiated 20 years ago, and which now encompasses a global interest and belief for the benefit of culture.

We solemnly declare the following, on the basis of our deliberations at the Zappeion Hall, in Athens, on October 14 to 15, 2005:

We are united in our conviction that culture, the arts and literature, can fully flourish only in free, democratic societies under conditions of peace

We note that culture all over the world has always found its highest expression in cities and regions

We believe in the necessity for stronger civil engagement on the part of every individual, the state and supranational organisations for the development of culture

We assess that networking offers many advantages to the accomplishment of our goals. Therefore, we will continue to strengthen the Cultural Networks which work in different fields, with their appropriate mechanisms

We intend to intensify our contacts and cooperation, thus strengthening our work, to the benefit of all initiatives that lead to the development and evolution of culture

"We urge the local, regional and state authorities, as well as the supranational organizations, to support us in our efforts. The cooperation of these authorities is crucial for the development and evolution of culture."

We also urge the business and corporate community to acknowledge its own responsibility in the development of our societies not only economically, but culturally as well, and to cooperate with us.

We claim that culture, and the respect of cultural differences, is one of the predominant factors for peace in the world. With our work for the sake of the arts and literature, we want to contribute to the development of a peaceful world where every individual, regardless of his/her race , social background, gender, sexual and political orientation, religious beliefs etc, can develop his/her best abilities, free from fear, threats, suppression, deficiency, or destitution.

With our work we take an active part in the development of our different identities, which form our common human heritage.

Culture is in any case generated by its own power, creating its own momentum. Here lies its perennial strength.

Culture has cycles of germination and renewal. It now appears that its power starts to grow again.

Now, is the time for us to struggle for the development and evolution of culture and to declare our faith in its future.


Athens, the Pnyx, October 16th, 2005


Karin Fisher, Simone Beck and Max Aufischer


Spyros Mercouris

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