How the Chios-Izmir mural was brought about
Pledges were made in Chios in May 6th to bring about such an action, that a peace
mural done jointly by children from Chios, Greece and Izmir, Turkey could be brought about.
Takuya Kaneda on behalf of Kids' Guernica International donated a canvas for this purpose. He had already requested that the painting by Delacroix called "The Slaughter of Chios" is not so much replaced, but as a measure of time since 1821 that thing have changed between Greece and Turkey.
Both the people of Chios and the Prefecture were keen to have present during the exhibition children and youth from near-by Turkey, its coastline everyday visible when walking along the shores in Chios. Often people said it is the politicians which create the mess and wars between people while people themselves get along with the others.
In order to start the action for a new peace mural with children and/or youth from Chios going to Izmir, the date for them to go was set for 27 – 29. September 2007. The aim was to complete together this peace mural.
The action came about thanks to the contact made with Deniz Hasirci and
Gulistan Banu Cel. She replied on 25th of May 2007 as follows:
From: Deniz HASIRCI
Sent: Παρασκευή, 25 Μαΐου 2007 3:17 μμ
Subject: Chios - Izmir Painting
Dear Hatto,
How about if we talk about the end of September for the workshop in Izmir, perhaps, 27-28-29 September? It would be more difficult but not impossible to gather the students during the weekend, and also taking both schools'
schedules into consideration, these days seemed appropriate. Of course, we can talk and arrange other days if these do not suit you. How many days did you have in mind? And how many people? Also, would you be able to finance your travel?
We can provide accommodation at the university dormitory, I'm guessing. I have talked to the university but I have to write a formal letter once we specify the dates. By the way, you can check out the university site from, and the other school's site at
Regarding the formal letters of invitation, we only need a letter that briefly explains the project, symposium and schedule.
It would be nice to add that we would be joining with the Buddy joint program between Izmir University of Economics and TAKEV Private Elementary School.
I thought you could put both addresses on the letter. We could then duplicate and use them.
Thank you so much.
The addresses would be:
Assist. Prof. Dr. Deniz HASIRCI
Izmir University of Economics,
Faculty of Fine Arts and Design,
Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, Sakarya Cad. No.156, 35330,
Balcova, Izmir, TURKEY Tel : +90(232) 4888408, Fax : 0(232) 2792626
Gulistan Banu Cel
TAKEV Ozel Ilkogretim Okulu,
Burak Sok. NO:2 Narlidere, Izmir, TURKEY
Tel: +90(232) 2389659
Part of the pledge was that the painting would be shown at the Kids' Guernica exhibition linked to the Symposium "Productivity of Culture" organised by the Network of European Cultural Capital Cities at the Megaron - Zappeion, Athens, Oct. 18 - 19, 2007.
and for the exhibition itself, see
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