Kids' Guernica Exhibition in Kastelli, Crete 2006
The 'peace' tree in the court yard of the Municipality of Kastelli
The Kids' Guernica action took place in memory of what happened in Kastelli, for the tree standing in the court yard of the Municipal building was used by the Germans to hang resisters during Second World War. As these historical wounds take a long time to heal, it would be crucial to let redemption work as has been the case already between Germany and France, Poland, Czech Republic and Israel.
Kids' Guernica Exhibition in Kastelli, Crete 2006
- Η Γκουέρνικα των παιδιών, Κρήτη 2006
- Background information
- The mural of Kastelli
- Exhibition - mounting of the murals
- The murals
- Participation / Teilnahme von Jenaplanschule in Weimar
- Opening ceremony
- Picasso's Guernica Beyond Politics
- Cretan resistance during WW II
- With poetry against war
- Explaining the exhibition and workshops
- An artist's view of Kastelli: Asit Poddar
- The philosopher Tadashi Nishihira
- Closing ceremony with music, dance and friendship
- Memories of Kastelli, Crete 2006
« Exhibitions | Η Γκουέρνικα των παιδιών, Κρήτη 2006 »