The murals
Banner for the exhibition at entrance beside the church
Kastelli, Crete 2006
Imprison war Düsseldorf, Germany and Planjenaschool, Weimar
Cherry trees blossoming Japan 2005
Chicago - 4 schools joining together 2006
Hatto Fischer, Stacy Koumbis, Katerina Anghelaki Rooke, Takuya Kaneda and Spyros Mercouris
Three murals close to small children from Chios, Athens and New Zealand
Chios mural painted by 2 to 3 year olds - lovely this idea of giving the sun sun glasses, and this mural became the link for the next action by Poiein kai Prattein in Chios 2007
The war is over Poiein kai Prattein 2005
New Zealand
Environment from Japan and Bosnien
Murals along outer fence
With the mountains in the background, naturally there was a worry about the winds being too strong for the canvas to hold, and indeed some were torn at the end of the exhibition. But with such a background all the more impressive were the canvas bringing across messages children had painted as if big letters to be send into the world to take note about the children's desire for peace.
School yard as exhibition space
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