Ποιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do

Artists linked through Kids' Guernica

Jad Salman painter, student of art in Paris (Ph.D.), Kids' Guernica action in Palestine to paint mural for exhibition in Athens 2007, participant in Kids' Guernica Action in Picasso's atelier in October 2009 where the children presented him with a special mural as gift and acknowledgement of his experiences in Palestine.

Jad Salman
Palestinian Plastic Artist
Paris, France



Gerold Schumann Kids' Guernica exhibition in Ecouen, May 7th 2009
directeur artistique
Théâtre de la vallée
+33 (0)1 34 04 03 41

Thomas Economacos

Member of Poiein kai Prattein, Arts coordinator, numerous peace projects with children, engaged in Kids' Guernica (creation of mural "War is over" together with Hatto Fischer, 2005; attending 10th anniversary of Kids' Guernica in Ubud, Bali 2005; Kastelli exhibition, Crete; Kids' Guernica exhibition in Chios, 2007; together with Hatto Fischer and Deniz Hasirci the creation with youth and children from Chios, Greece and Izmir, Turkey the mural "intercultural dialogue" in Izmir, 2007; Kids' Guernica exhibition as part of the ECCM Symposium 'Productivity of Culture' in Athens, 2007 (see www.productivityofculture.org); support to Bernard Conlon for the Belfast mural; attending the Kids' Guernica meeting in Tallahassee, Florida in January 2010 to mark the 15th anniversary and the Kids' Guernica exhibition opening in Wedding, Berlin as organised by Katia David and Pantelis Sabliotis.

In Athens Thomas Economacos does lighting for stages used by dancers and actors. He has done numerous installations with children e.g. Spiral in various places, including Tate Modern.

Thomas Economacos with children of the 108th School in Athens with whom he did the mural in the background and bearing the title "Power of Abstraction", 2007


Asit Poddar

Second mural by Blind Boys in Kalkota, India 2010

Asit Poddar, photographer, artist and long standing member of the International Committee of Kids' Guernica has studied in Japan and thus speaks fluently Japanese.


Marianne Stevens

This mural was painted in the atelier where Marianne teaches at the art centre

The atelier itself has a website www.kasteelatelier.be and the centre is on www.cjk.be .

An item has been put on Youtube at


All pictures of the "making of" can be found and downloaded from http://kidsguernica.web2b.be/#home .


Marianne Stevens: Master in fine Arts, teacher at the Academy for Fine Arts of Gent, currently working in painting and video (www.mariannestevens.be).

Fatema Nawaz

Photographer, school teacher, student of art therapy. She did one mural in Kabul, Afghanistan after having come into contact with Kids' Guernica during the 10th anniversary festival on Ubud, Bali and then again another one in Germany. This second one was started in a Christian church and then the second half of the mural was completed in a moschee. Interesting were the 'borders' suddenly drawn by German parents who did not allow their children who had participated at first to follow suit.

Fatema Nawaz

Kabul, Afghanistan mural "Never again war" which Fatema did with nearly 200 school children who had never before seen a paint brush.

Fatema and her husband have created a NGO to support schools in Afghanistan. For further information see



Lisa Stybor

Lisa Stybor "Bear"

Insa Winkler

1 Dec. 2010

Dear Hatto, and dear all

during the current reading of the correspondence for the exhibition in Ghent: "In the shadow of Guernica"  I have got an idea of a possible contribution- concerning the project of my work I had in mind before.

As I have mentioned before to Hatto I would like to keep in mind the work: about "the children of chernobyl", a project which has its actuality of its content and as a project we have (1996) created  some how "Kids Guernica of the Havarie of Chernobyl" in 1996".

The main focus of the village Rowkowitschi in Belarus being contaminated like many other places in this region, because the atomic cloud of Chernobyl was artificial rained off in this area without warning the population and this happened at the first of march 1986, when everybody was celebrating this day.....The theme and actual matter for this theme comes back since 25 years. Chernobyl had become a "Guernica of civil disaster"

Secondly I like to introduce the (my) habitude of collaborating work, and this had been the fact also within this project mentioned.

The "boxes" of material and at this time we have been working with "lost" children of the zone" is still there and also the media of different contribution (film, photo, childrens painting and a also a monument installation).

"In the shadow of Guernica" gives the possibility to recreate a memory room with this material and then it gives the possibility to invite a referent of the still attempting movement "den Kindern von Tschernobyl to refer about what is going on now 25 years later.

The character of presentation as an installation - environment - room after this amount of time would be "the Guernica art pieces". There will be still things to work out, because I need digitalizing old video material, which we had been smuggling out of the zone and I don´t know jet what kind of quality this would have.

I also need to restore the big installation out of steel, concrete and plump, being stowed somewhere and I also would like to involve one of my college at that time: Boudewijn Payens, who did work the most with the children at that time and he has very fantastic material about this.

This is how "In the shadow of Guernica" could be present out of my reflexion. The title of the project had been "Reflection Chernobyl"

Now it is a "re fresh action" of a memory of that disaster, that literally the people in that zone had called the "War of Chernobyl".

Indeed this had not been a natural catastrophe but a deliberately experiment excluding any responsibility.

I have no problem to put the material  in my old bus, but I then need to count on some support to make this vehicle able to travel from Hude to Ghent and back.

This is a good moment to thank Douglas Worts and Glenn Sutter for their framework list. I also would like to know the magnitude of expected recipients of the exhibition would be there.

I don´t ask this because of any displeasure for the outlay, but I think it would be good to know the correography of the holistic Ghent presentation.

Next question that I have is, that this work do refer to the title of the exhibition but might not be the right work to be attractive to be sold or gifted for another project in Africa.

Therefor my concluding question is to know more about the precise context of Africa. Guernica and Ghent.

This is still something not very connected in terms of explanations, or I could not get the bridge in practical sense.

I apologize if I might not be able to respond to the discussion promptly.

With kind regards



To her person:

I am working since almost 10 years in this field, having organized an international conference "art and agriculture", interventions ..."artists meet farmers" etc.... and at the moment I am writing articles in the local newspaper of North Germany to let people awake what is going on still and donot end in the case of land use and water waste.
Meanwhile I also absolved a M.Sc in environmental general conceptions.
The theme of agriculture is really the heart of many problems and health, it is
even transdisciplinary etc. I would be interested to focus on that special issue.


But even agriculture is very wide and at the same time very specific, so the specification on water might be better, because it is essential and one can colect contrubutions of nearly all disciplines and it is very much related to climate.

For Ghent she started off with the idea of creating a children's requiem and wants to link it with her experiences made in
Insa Winkler
Am Klosterkiel 53
D-27798 Hude

Bernard Conlon

Bernard shall prepare the Kids' Guernica discussion as follow-up to the meeting of all in Tallahassee, Florida, USA in January 14 - 18, 2010. As journalist and communication expert he is keen to create such structures for passing on information which people can trust. He is the responsible coordinator of the Belfast mural called "Optimism of Colors".

Bernard Conlon with Bruno when visiting the art centre  Nov. 11. 2010

Kevin Cooper

Photographer in Belfast, Northern Ireland who has witnessed many conflicts and what courage but also wisdom it takes to remain authentic by not giving in to all kinds of pressures in order to suppress images which testify the actions and even violence on both sides.

Kevin Cooper Photogragher

Photoline Photographic Agency

41 Kansas Ave., Belfast, BT15 5AX.

E-mail: photoline@supanet.com

Office Tel: 02890777299 or 028 90770993 Mobile: 07712044751

Web site: www.kevincooperphotoline.com

Dear Hatto,

Bernard asked me to send you some material in relation to my journalism and representing journals during conflict. Please find attached to this e-mail an article I wrote for WAVE newsletter in 2007. I have done photography for a number of years for WAVE an organization which deals with people who suffered trauma, loss or injury as a result of the Northern Ireland conflict. Dart Center for Journalism & Trauma http://dartcenter.org/ which I mentioned in the article attached.

Some of the projects I have provide photography for:

WAVE: http://www.wavetraumacentre.org.uk/

Healing Through Remembering: http://www.healingthroughremembering.info/

Inter Action Belfast: http://www.peacewall.org/home.htm

Some other way of the site information about my work as a union activist and journalist: http://www.kevincooperphotoline.com/

Silence Not an Option “Journalism Under Threat" conference held at Queen's University, Belfast on Saturday 22 November 2003: http://media.gn.apc.org/fl/0401bel2.html?i=flindex&d=2004_01

Kevin Cooper Membership of Honour: http://www.thejournalist.org.uk/july08/adm_honor.html

Who killed Martin O’Hagan? http://www.londonfreelance.org/ohagan1.html

I hope this will prove useful.




Alexandra Zanne

Bernard Conlon and Alexandra Zanne in atelier of Marianne

Rosa Naparstek

New York 28.11.2010

Hello All, I have not been able to access my computer or email since last week and have been waiting to respond.

First of All, thank you for your effort and work in making this possible and I am definitely interested in participating.
I just don't know how/or in what matter and if I can join you in person and how to deal with my work.
I can always send poster...with text with....
So, just a fast response to say, Yes, i am interested.
best regards,
and love,
(we have been stuffing ourselves with turkey and "stuff" eating more than is sensible,
and wasting even more....i read a statistic that in America, 45% of the food gets wasted...
all this in the shadow....)


Kostas Kartelias

Photographer who did the documentation of the Kids' Guernica exhibition in Athens, 2007 - see


and went off to Zambia to take photos of children strikken by AIDS. Once back in Athens he made a photo exhibition, the proceeds of which went back to the hospital in Zambia.

He is just starting to study in London, UK.

He will show photos of children painting, children in Zambia and photos of his recent work.


Hatto Fischer

In the shadows of the blues – for Deniz

Street scene in Chicago in the 30's


Blue doors,

A satin dress

She rushed through the store

All while whining music blared from the car’s radio

At a street corner

In Izmir.


Beholden are golden anchors dangling from feet.

Sweet enterprise.

The shoe maker shines and the jewels of the shopkeeper

Catch a glance of passing by tourists

On their way to the old market.


Begotten houses, an old synagogue,

Stones stretching their memories

To remember who leaned against them

Exactly on this day not one, but hundreds of years ago.


Since then many times have by-gone.

In the cinema they are flashbacks,

But more convincing is the stone thrown into the harbor’s water

With the song still in the ear, ‘life is like this’.


If anything, then listen to the Blues

Coming in from Chicago

With ‘no mo’ demands

Except that you give a hip and kiss

To Daddy who loves you

And that for mummy you throw your arms open

As you did when a child running down the street.


Life is like this. Here and now.

A torrent of doubts rush or push us on,

It makes the blood flow depend upon the heart’s beat

While I stomp my feet

When I imagine you walking down the aisle

To marry your true love

To the chorus of all the men and women at the back

Who regret they did not get there first

But then there is your common promises to be for now on just one

And thereby you two will elongate the dreams of the others

That they too will find one day their true love

As sure as the day enters the night

To prepare for the next day.


It is time to share lots of laughter, a story or two,

While we all report she married and lived happily thereafter.

HF  Athens 14.7.2009



Douglas Worts


Greetings from Toronto!

Nice to see that the Kids Guernica project continues to ripple and create new forms of being.
As you know, Hatto, one of my great interests is in how the fostering of creativity through Kids Guernica is having impacts.  Obviously the impacts on participants is considerable. The impacts on those who come in contact with the images and materials as viewers/visitors, is different. I wonder if there is a chance to develop an impact framework that begins to parse the impacts into various categories - individuals, communities, organizations and the global community. I am attaching a copy of the Critical Assessment Framework, which I know Hatto has seen, but with the intent of generating some new conversations about how best to get inside the power of how symbolic, creative materials can be transformative. I have also attached a copy of a short paper about the Critical Assessment Framework for those who are not familiar with this tool.
Best wishes,


Culture and Sustainability Specialist - WorldViews Consulting

LEAD Fellow (Leadership for Environment and Development)

Toronto, Canada


personal website: www.douglasworts.org

WorldViews website: www.worldviewsconsulting.org

Special guests:

Spyros Mercouris

Bart Verschaffel

In need to be confirmed:

Tom Anderson

Takuya Kaneda

Kate Parker

Remi Delaplace

Monique Kissel

Savina Tarsitano

Deniz Hasirci

Asit Poddar

Iman Mourad

Sara Lowndes

Nicole Monvoisin



Bruno Steyaert: married to Marianne Stevens, is a former policeman in Gent, who retired due to an accident at work, and is now CEO of the Centre for Young Art.


Haroula Hadjinicolaou

Department of Educational Programmes, Benaki Museum

1,  Koumbari Str.

106 74 Athens

Tel: ++30 210 367 10 68

and collaborator of Poiein kai Prattein



Hatto Fischer

Poiein kai Prattein

(“to create and to do”)

Lycabettoustr. 23

Athens 10672


Tel. 003 0 210 36 17 792

Mobile 003 0 697 45 39 333

e-mail: hfischer@poieinkaiprattein.org


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« Not realized exhibition at art centre in Ghent (Mariakerke) 15 Feb. to 15 March 2011 | Tasks ahead »