Letter of Mayor of Greater Municipality of Izmir
Date: 28 August 2007
Subject: Buddy Program and Kids’ Guernica Project with Greece
Dear Deniz HASIRCI,
The issues that are of utmost significance today are peace, friendship, and love. As adults, we have much to learn about peace and love from the adults of the future. The Turkish Republic is the only country that has awarded the children the date of founding the Parliament as their own celebration day. This fact is of huge importance and meaning, and enables on the 23rd of April, the National Sovereignty and Children’s Holiday, to gather various elements that do not exist in the same way in other countries. This holiday that Atatürk has granted to the children is celebrated every year with children from all over the world to strengthen peace, love, friendship
among children, and to make possible a world in which people can live in tranquility. The message that these children help spread will hopefully set an example for all countries. I wish you success in your work, and embrace all of the children who are taking part in this fascinating project.
Greater Municipality of Izmir
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