Oleg Koefoed
Born 15/8 1966
Status: married, father of 4: twin boys, b. 1995, daughter, b. 2006, son b. 2009
Højdevangs Allé 24, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark
Tel. +45 53 53 95 72
Mail: oleg@cultura21.dk
ART related projects and art works
2011- Sustensistan Revisited – art/action/research/philosophy for European
Capitals of Culture and their cultural agents and artists
See Cultures of Sustainability and the European Capitals of Culture by Oleg Koefoed
2011 TOUCH project w. Cultura21 Nordic and other international partners, a
project creating art works for and with blind and sight impaired people, in
Denmark, Bulgaria, and Spain, spring-fall 2011
Venten, glemslen w. Beautiful Burning World, performance about waiting
and oblivion, performed in Copenhagen May 2011
2010 ASSiST2010, w. Cultura21 International, I3C and other partners, summer
school for arts and sciences for sustainability and social transformation, in
Gabrovo, Bulgaria, August 2010
2009 Embassies of Sustensistan, w. Cultura21 Nordic and other partners, mobile
social installation about cultures of sustainability, carried out in the streets of
Copenhagen, November-December 2009
2008 Art and Climate Change Residency at Central Academy of Fine Arts w. Insa
Winkler (DE) and 12 Chinese design students, creating visions and design
solutions around sustainability
2007 Flowers of Sustainability, art/intuition based workshop w. Insa Winkler (DE),
carried out in Venice, 2007; Hamburg 2008; Copenhagen, 2009, Gabrovo,
No one creates alone, visual art & poetry & social installation, w. Lars Ravn,
about creation across languages and cultures, created in 2005-2007,
exhibitions in Copenhagen, Skagen, Odsherred, and Silkeborg
2010 Certified ”Fornyelsesleder” (Change Leader) with Unfolding Fields, Cph
2007-2010 Participant and co-coordinator of the Nordic Summer University's Research
Circle 2 on Interculturality, world philosophy and inter-religious dialogue
2004 Obtained the Ph.d. degree with the dissertation ”Fiktionsbegivenheder – en
poïetisk filosofi” (Fictional Events – towards a poïetic philosophy”, at the
Institute for Philosophy og theory of sciences, Roskilde University, June, 2004
1997 Cand. Comm. (MA in Communication and history), Roskilde University,
integrated thesis,”The Heroes of Reason”, January, 1997.
1991 Basic studies in Natural Sciences, Roskilde University
1985 Bacchaleaureat in music and languages, Herlev Statsskole, Denmark
2009- Co-founder, secretary, action philosopher, Cultura21 Nordic, Nordic
organisation for cultures of sustainability.
Projects include:
- ARK, network for Sustensive Leadership and Organisation (2009-)
- ASSiST, First International Summer School for Arts & Sciences for
Sustainability in Social Transformation (2009-)
- Documenting Sustensistan and Embassies of Sustensistan, art project
- CultureFutures, conference and collaboration on culture for an ecological
age (2009-2010)
- Participation in EDUFashion, project for sustainable fashion development
- Co-editor of The Lemniscate, magazine for cultures of sustainability
2008- Lecturer at Roskilde University; from january 2009 appointed coordinator for
the first year studies of the International Basic Studies in Human Sciences
2006-2010 Founder and leader of Gravitations Centre for Action Philosophy.
Responsible for development og action-philosophical methods; project
responsible for a number of projects and publications, such as:
- Envisioning Cultures of Sustainability, 4 Nordic countries, Aug.-Nov. 2009
- Certified Leaders of Art for Development, 2005-2007
- invisible Lives, visible works, on illegal migrants in DK, 2007-
- Sustension / Bærekraft, symposiums on sustainability and culture, 2007-
- No one creates alone , publications and exhibitions, 2006-2008
- Nordic Journal for Intercultural Dialogue, 2008-
- Cultural Interventions, course development, 2006-
- Samlingen / Assemblages, edition, 2008-
- Committers/ O-Future, cross-disciplinary cooperation around sustainable
world and vision designs, 2008-
- Courses on i.e. the philosophy of sustainability, philosophy of nature, 2008-
2006- External Lecturer at Copenhagen Business School, Institute for International
Culture and Communication Studies (IKK) (Organisational and Political
2006-2008 External Lecturer in theory of events and aesthetics, University of
Copenhagen, Institute for Art and Cultural Science
2002-2007 Founder and Chief Creative Officer in Aion ApS (www.aion.dk), councelling on
development, processes, networks and philosophical analysis;
Responsible for numerous projects among public bodies, educational
institutions, NGO's, private companies. Responsible for larger projects on
Adult education (2003-2006); Senior treatment (2003-2004); Life long
formation (2001-2004); Art, philosophy and development in East Africa
Responsbile for the development of qualitative research methods, action
research methods, creative processes, and courses for various employee
2002-2006 Philosophical leader in ”Kesera”, think tank for the advancing of process
based radical innovation; in charge of philosophical analyses of the work of
the organisation and its members; founder of the ”forum for social creation”;
co-writer of journal 2003-2006
2004 External lecturer in Network theory at the Institute for Sociology, University
of Copenhagen
2003 Teacher at the Institute for Philosophy, Roskilde University. Enrolled as Ph.d.-
student, 1997-2003.
2001-2002 Co-founder and director of Vilstrup Interactive, agency for the integration of
analysis technology, interactive media, and post-structuralist approaches.
2000-2001 Head of the section for qualitative research, Vilstrup Research.
1999-2001 Teacher at Copenhagen Business School, HA-fil (BA in Philosophy and
Economy), Philosophy of language and leadership
1996-2001 Teacher at Roskilde University, Basic Studies in Humans Sciences; MA
studies in Communication – tutor and responsible for a number of courses
1997-98 Co-editor of ”Literaten”, web-based journal for The Danish Book Traders
1995-96 Journalist for RAMA, local culture magazine in Copenhagen
1994-1999 Freelance moderator and qualitative researcher, Hansen Semiotic Brand and
Market Consultancy
Author of numerous publication about philosophy, culture, sustainability and
sociology of art (List can be obtained)
2011- Chairman of the board of Teaterkunst, independent theater group
2010- Chairman of the board of ECCO International, organisation for transcultural
dialogue and courses
2009- Co-founder and secretary of Cultura21 Nordic, Nordic network for cultures of
2007- Co-founder of the core team of Cultura21, international network for cultures
of sustainability
2008-2011 Co-editor of the Nordic Journal for Intercultural Dialogue
2006-2011 Chairman of the board, Gravitations Centre for Action Philosophy
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