Krisztina Keresztely
Personal information
47 rue Léon Frot, 75011 Paris, France
Mobile: +33-6 22 90 98 55
Nationality: Hungarian
Date of birth: 08/07/1970
Gender: female
Independent research consultant in urban and cultural policies
Work experience:
- Consultant (since September 2006)
Research and consulting in urban development and urban regeneration
ACT Consultants, 17bis rue Richard Lenoir, 75011 Paris tel: +33-1-40242010- France
- Invited professor and researcher (January 2006- July 2006)
Teaching and consulting
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 54, bd Raspail, 75006 Paris, France,
Tel: +33 1 49542525
- Research fellow and head of department (July 1996 - December 2006)
Research and consulting in urban development and urban regeneration, leading of a research unit
Centre for Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest Department, 13 Teréz krt, 1067 Budapest, Hungary, tel: +36-1-212-9526
Education and training
2000 PhD in Urban geography
Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
1994 DEA - Master in Urban geography
University Paris-X, Nanterre, France
1993 University Degree in Hungarian and Universal History
University Eötvös Lóránd, Budapest, Hungary
Mother tongue: Hungarian
Proficient in French and English, basic in Spanish
Experience and ability in working with multicultural-multilingual groups, building multilateral projects and maintaining everyday relationship between project members. Coordinator and participant in several transnational projects the most important of them are as follows:
- 2010-2011 „Study on good practices and policies for tackling urban challenge‟, 10 case studies analysing the main challenges of European cities, related to a series of workshops on „Cities of Tomorrow‟, European Commission, Directorate General Regional Policy
- 2008 - 2009 „Urban regeneration in East-Central European Cities‟, Anah (Agence nationale de l‟habitat, France).Leipzig, Budapest, Krakow and Riga
- 2008 Participation at the organisation of the Cities Forum held in Montpellier, in the frame of the French presidency of the European Union. organisation of the round table discussion „Culture as motor of social cohesion‟
- 2008 Member of the URBACT II External Assessment Panel
- 2007 Expert in the ACRE (Accommodate Creative Knowledge - Competitiveness of European Metropolitan Regions within the Enlarged Union), project within the EU 6th framework programme
- 2004 - 2008 „Socially Sustainable Development of Historical Centres of Cities‟, MOST Unesco program, scientific coordinator
- 2000 - 2004 „Public Participation in Cities‟, MOST Unesco program, scientific coordinator of the Hungarian Group
Good command of Microsoft Office Tools (Word, Excel Power Point)
Knowledge in graphic design illustrators (Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator)
Knowledge in mapping programmes (Mapinfo)
All of these skills required through my working experiences.
Other skills and competences
Co-founder of the civil association “Szindikátus” in Budapest created for the preservation and sustainability of urban values and intervening mainly in historical districts of Budapest.
Driving licence
Category B
- Györgyi Barta, András Sipos, Krisztina Keresztély (eds) (2010): Budapest világváros két századfordulón (Budapest “world metropolis” on two turns of centures), Napvilág, Budapest
- Krisztina Keresztély (2009), „Wasting memories – gentrification vs. urban values in the Jewish neighbourhood of Budapest‟, in: Monika Murzy-Kupisz – Jacek Purchla (eds): Reclaiming memory, Urban regeneration in the historic Jewish quarters in Central European cities, International Cultural Centre, Krakow 2009.
- Krisztina Keresztély (2008): L‟Inaccessibilité croissante des quartiers historiques de Budapest: gentrification et politiques urbaines libérales”, in: Lucile Lechevalier hurard (dir) Europe : pas sans toit!, AITEC, Paris
- Sonia Fayman, Krisztina Keresztély, Kyra Tomay (2008): « Réalisation d’études sur les politiques de renouvellement urbain des villes d’Europe Centrale illustrées par la réhabiliation de quartiers existants – le cas de la ville de Budapest en Hongrie », rapport final Anah-CDC (Angence nationale de l‟habitat), Anah, Paris. - Sonia Fayman, Krisztina Keresztély, Britta Trostorff, Elke Goltz, Stephanie Lenk (2007): „Réalisation d‟études sur les politiques de renouvellement urbain des villes d‟Europe Centrale illustrées par la réhabiliation de quartiers existants – le cas de la ville de Leipzig en Allemagne”, report for Anah (Angence nationale de l‟habitat), Paris
- Krisztina Keresztély (2007): „Kulturális fejlesztések és fenntartható városrehabilitáció” (Cultural development and sustainable urban regeneration in Budapest) In: György Enyedi (ed): A történelmi városközpontok átalakulásának társadalmi hatásai (Social effets of the transformation of historical city centres), „Millenium Strategic Studies”, Centre for Social Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 171-199.
- Krisztina Keresztély (2007): Cultural policies and urban rehabilitation in Budapest. In: The Creative City: Crossing Visions and New Realities in the Region Edited by Nada Švob-Đokić Culturelink Joint Publications Series No. 11, Institute for International Relations, Zagreb, 2007, 95-119
- Krisztina Keresztély – János Zoltán Szabó (2006) : « Budapest: regaining multiculturalism? » in: Ilczuk, Dorota-Raj Isar Yudhishtir (dir): Metropolises of Europe: Diversity in Urban Cultural Life, CIRCLE, Pro Cultura, Warsawa, 98-134.
- Krisztina Keresztély - György Enyedi (eds) (2005): A magyarországi városok kulturális gazdasága (Cultural Economy of Hungarian Cities), Millennium Strategis Studies, Center for Social Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
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