Anna Arvanitaki
European curriculum vitae format |
Personal information |
Photo by Boudewijn Payens
Name |
Address |
Romanou Melodou 2, Athens 11471, Greece |
Telephone |
003 0210 64 22 080 mobile: 003 0 6974 609 612 |
Fax |
Nationality |
Greek |
Date of birth |
12.Oct. 1947 |
Work experience |
• Dates (from – to) |
1996 - 2003 (under retirement) Ministry of Environment Department of Urban Planning Amaliados str. 17 Athens 11523 Greece - Senior Staff Main responsibilities: - formulation of specifications of Local Land-use plans of the new Urban Planning Law of Greece (Law 2508/97) in coordination with HABITAT Agenda requirements - general guidelines for the application of the Urban Law by the restructured Municipalities - support of Managing Authority of Operational Program of Environment (3rd Community Support Framework) for the measure 7.1 “Urban and Spatial Planning” in the evaluation of project proposals - coordination of the application of Urban Regeneration Program of Law 2508/97 for the Old City of Heracliou, Crete and member of the Scientific Committee of Programmatic Agreement between Municipality, Central Ministries and the Public Enterprise for Housing – DEPOS). - Member of high level Ministerial Committee for Urban Planning guidance and standards for the new General Urban Plans of Greece - Coordination of “Urban Planning Observatory Initiative” to be funded by the Third Community Support Framework.
1977 – 2001 Provincial Authority of Ikaria / Region of Northern Aegean / Greece: project leader of the “LORE” – project (Local and Regional Planning Observatory) Scientific Coordinator: project formulation, project development, monitoring of implementation, animation and networking of the five partners (3 regions in Greece, 2 in Italy)
1995 – 2000 Ministry of Environment Urban Planning Department Tasks: - monitoring the planning studies for coastal areas in Northern Greece, funded by the 2nd Community Support Framework - preparation of necessary decrees / decisions for application of the new law for Sustainable Development (L2508/97) - completion of Specifications for the new Structural Plans which the recently restructured Municipalities shall undertake, and this mainly with funds of the 3rd Community Support Framework of Greece
1995 undertakes the national report of Greece for the Seminar of the Council of Europe: “Public Participation in Spatial Planning in Europe” (Bath, UK)
1994 – 95 as member of the relevant team, helps in formulating the – finally approved – proposal of the Department of Spatial Planning for the operational Program “ENVIRONMENT” in the 2nd Community Support Framework for Greece (1994 – 99)
1992 – 94 Ministry of Environment Representing the Ministry in the Group of the Council on Rural Development, in the context of the Rural Development Program of the OECD Participates in inter-ministerial committees of general or particular scope, like: - supervision of the studies of the program ENVIRREG for sensitive coastal areas - preparation of the new Law for Spatial Development (finally approved in 1999) - policy guidelines for tourism - specification of maritime zone for acqua-culture in Western Greece
1990 – 95 Ministry of Environment Spatial Planning Department In 1990 the first decree for the application of the Law for the Environment is enforced, concerning the Environmental Impact Assessment of all major private and public projects: - involved for nearly 2 years in the pilot application of this decree, in the domain of location control of private investments (in tourism, acqua culture), before this competence is being decentralized at regional level
1984 – 90 Ministry of Environment Spatial Planning department, in collaboration with the department of the Environment - supervises first studies for the RAMSAR biotopes in Greece like the Ambrakikos gulf and mainly the lagoon of Messolongi and Delta of Acheloos river. This activity preceded the enactment, in 1986, of the Law for the Environment (L 1650/86) - also involved in linking spatial planning guidelines with regional development in order to provide incentives to private investments
European dimension: appointment as the national representative to the International Steering Committee for the “Campaign for the Countryside” organized by the Council of Europe (1986 – 88) which was conducted in conjunction with the “Year of the Environment” (1987) of the European Commission. In this context, she was appointed to head an Interministerial National Committee under the General Secretary of the Ministry of the Environment and coordinated, among others, the joint presentation of projects for rural areas in Greece for the publication of a special volume
• Main activities and responsibilities |
“Demonstration Projects for the Countryside”, of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg 1988.
1984 Introduction of location control for tourist and other private investments in non-urban areas for the first time; it results in the creation of the Spatial Planning department of which Ms. Arvanitaki is a member from the outset. That same year, due to her professional and academic background, she is asked by the Technical Chamber of Greece to join the team for the study: “Problems of the Environment and Quality of Life in a heavily industrialized district of Athens – the case of Egaleo”. Ministry’s rapporteur on the theme “Spatial Planning and Environment in Greece” at the Seminar “Environmental Impact Assessment” of the University of Aberdeen in Athens.
1982 – 84 Ministry of Environment Spatial Planning Department A more balanced spatial planning model is put forward by the first Socialist post-war government of the country; participates in the all-embracing planning operation undertaken by the Ministry of the Environment, resulting in baseline maps and studies for all the major cities / towns and all the prefectures of Greece. During the same operation, the first ever studies and inventories about the Environmental condition and resources of all 52 Greek prefectures have been produced closely combined with the respective Spatial Plans. In this context, responsible for the production of the relevant studies for the Prefectures of Etoloakarnania and Argolida (alone or in a team respectively).
1980 – 81 participates in the task force of the Ministry for the Masterplan of Kozani (study of the urban – rural fringe) in the context of a policy to foster the development of 9 regional centers as “rival cities” to Athens, according to the doctrine of “poles of development” and undertakes the study of the “Guidelines for the Master plan of the Metropolitan area of Thessaloniki” and “Planning guidelines for the Prefecture of Thessaloniki” in the context of a 2 member team.
1980 joins the newly created Ministry of Planning and the Environment, at a period when the first serious attempts for spatial planning and environmental protection in Greece had just been initiated, following the enactment of Law 360/76
1974 – 79 After completion of studies in London which opened new horizons in Planning and the Environment, returns to Greece and works as freelance architect, amidst the ferment political endeavors to bring the country back to democratic order.
Education and training |
• Dates (from – to) |
1983 – 86: Master’s in Regional Development, Panteion University of Political Science 1972 – 73: M.Sc., School of Environmental Studies, University College, London 1965 – 70: Architect’s diploma, National Technical University of Athens |
• Name and type of organization providing education and training |
• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered |
Specialised Seminar courses: - “introduction to Informatics”, Institute of Public Administration, Athens (1992) - introduction to G.I.S. systems (as above), Athens (1994) - advanced course in G.I.S. (as above), Athens (1994) |
Personal skills and competences Acquired in the course of life and career but not necessarily covered by formal certificates and diplomas. |
Mother tongue |
Greek |
Other languages |
English French Italian |
• Reading skills |
excellent good basic |
• Writing skills |
excellent good basic |
• Verbal skills |
Excellent very good basic |
Social skills and competences Living and working with other people, in multicultural environments, in positions where communication is important and situations where teamwork is essential (for example culture and sports), etc. |
Able to coordinate people and make them work together in a team. High moral authority lends authenticity to project work and upgrades value of outcomes through special ability in communicating complex – often legal matters when it comes to planning – details in a very precise and at the same time understandable way. Working with civil society organizations / volunteer in numerous planning associations allows her to mediate between expertise knowledge and citizen based activities.
Organisational skills and competences Coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets; at work, in voluntary work (for example culture and sports) and at home, etc. |
- in multi-actor committees and bodies requiring horizontal and vertical coordination and mediation - partnership coordination in transnational European projects In 1996, consultation work with 3 Greek local regions (the island of Ikaria in the Aegean, the Southern Prefecture of Heraclion in Crete and the Pelion peninsula in Magnesia) in cooperation with 2 Italian municipalities (Ragusa and Alcamo in Sicily) after having submitted successfully the project proposal LORE (Local and Regional Planning Observatory Network) – an Article 10 – ERDF Program TERRA in 1997. Acting as Scientific Coordinator of the project she organized the scientific reports and made a major presentation of the LORE OBSERVATORY concept as an instrument to help foster sustainable development options in environmentally sensitive maritime regions of the Mediterranean in Pori, Finland, July 1999. Recently, on the 12th May 2000 meeting in Brussels, she was invited by the Commission (DG Regio) to be one of the 4 rapporteurs on the them “Interregional Cooperation and Networking”. - volunteer work within Civil Society: As President of POIEIN KAI PRATTEIN, a non profit urban society aiming to improve living conditions of citizens in cities and the promotion of principles of sustainable development. She is the prime mover of the NGO and key responsible person. As such she guarantees through personal integrity the moral authority of the organization. This involves working together with local authorities and advising them on such innovative concepts as to allow for further going participation i.e. the citizen as first rescuer of cultural heritage in the SISMA application to Interreg – CADSES B: reducing earthquake risks for historical centers. - Overall, her long term involvement in all domains of competence of the Ministry of Environment, namely in urban and regional planning, combined with experience at European and local-regional levels, gives her a thorough knowledge of the compatibilities or more often incompatibilities in policies having to do with sustainable development.
Technical skills and competences With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc. |
General knowledge of I.T. connected with project coordination and monitoring Particular GIS knowledge |
Artistic skills and competences Music, writing, design, etc. |
As architect knowledgeable in design, free drawings and in the materialization of concepts i.e. visualization of space and materials |
Other skills and competences Competences not mentioned above. |
- due to involvement in sectoral partial approaches, skilled in promoting synergies of policies mediating between European policies and “local needs”. - participates in conferences, seminars and other scientific activities by taking a leading role such as workshop coordinator - able to relate to a broad spectrum of topics - due to her great writing skills able to present papers and give lectures, which in several cases have been published mainly in special or professional editions - as member of the Technical Chamber of Greece and of the Architects’ Association fulfils civic duties within the Greek society - as member of the Society of Greek Regional Scientists she was elected to the Board between 1991 and 1997, during which period she undertook many initiatives for the revival and the improvement of the profile of the organization - member of the Association of Greek Urban and Regional Planners where she is elected for the board since 1999 - lately she is cooperating with the Panhellenic Netweork of Ecological Organisations (representing 43 NGO’s in Greece) in planning matters and she is authorized to facilitate the development of contacts between the Network and European Environmental Institutions. |
Driving licence(s) |
Yes |
Additional information |
Dr. Kostas Lalenis, Lecturer, University of Thessaly, Department of Urban and Spatial Planning, Volos, Greece Theodoris Mavrogiorgis, Civil Engineer Manager, Manager of LORE project, Athens, Greece George Tsekouras, Vice President of Planners Association of Greece, Athens Stravros Cambelis, General Secretary of the Ministry of Environment , Athens Martha Semantoni, General Secretary of Region South Aegean, Syros |
Urban Planning
Anna Arvanitaki has been coordinating in the Greek Ministry for Environment, Energy and Climate Change the Master Plans for five Greek cities: Ioanna, Patras, Larissa, Volos and Iraklion. It is an attempt to link environmental protection and regulation of land use. There are several levels involved, insofar as the overall strategic plan is complemented by studies initiated by local mayors. That means adaptation of any law means multiple interpretations within the regulatory framework. There appeared a comprehensive article in Kathemirini to provide an overview as to what these five Master Plans entail in terms of these five Greek cities.
"Setting city limits for a more sustainable future: Gov’t sees curbing of rampant construction in big urban centers" by Giorgos Lialios Kathimerini 14.9.2011
Annexes |
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