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Kevin Cooper

Kevin Cooper                                        Belfast 20.9.2009 @HF

To enter the world of Belfast, it might be worthwhile to be shown around by photographer Kevin Cooper. During the long period of conflicts he has attempted as journalist and member of the union to protect other journalists against all kinds of methods of intimidation and threats. Consequently he is most knowledgable when it comes to judge political reality. It entails differentiating true from fake lines of conflicts which run through both communities not only prior to the Friday agreement, when violence begot violence, but equally nowadays when one false word can evoke complex reactions not at all easy to be self-controlled.

Aside from images having to do directly with conflict and violence, Kevin has done photography for a number of years for WAVE, an organization which deals with people who suffered trauma, loss or injury as a result of the Northern Ireland conflict.

He is a Freelance Photographer and does photos for Press, PR and Conference Photography.

Kevin Cooper is associated with the NGO Interaction Belfast.



Note. In the article is mentioned the Dart Center for Journalism & Trauma http://dartcenter.org/


Organisations and projects for which he has provided photography for:

WAVE: http://www.wavetraumacentre.org.uk/

Healing Through Remembering: http://www.healingthroughremembering.info/

Inter Action Belfast: http://www.peacewall.org/home.htm

Some other way of the site information about his work as a union activist and journalist can be found at: http://www.kevincooperphotoline.com/

Silence Not an Option “Journalism Under Threat" conference held at Queen's University, Belfast on Saturday 22 November 2003: http://media.gn.apc.org/fl/0401bel2.html?i=flindex&d=2004_01

Kevin Cooper Membership of Honour: http://www.thejournalist.org.uk/july08/adm_honor.html

Who killed Martin O’Hagan? http://www.londonfreelance.org/ohagan1.html

Further materials by Kevin Cooper can be found on following websites in reference to reports like the one by amnesty international or in books as the case of the WAVE Trauma Centre having launched a new book.

The WAVE Trauma Centre launched a new book on Tuesday 8th December 2009 in the Long Gallery, Stormont Estate pictures on Our Future Together website: http://ourfuturetogether.net/photo/albums/that-night-in-december-book

The launch of WAVE’s book and campaign “INJURED …on that day” at the Royal Victoria Hospital in the board room of King Edwards Building on the Grosvenor Road in Belfast pictures on Our Future Together website: http://ourfuturetogether.net/photo/albums/wave-book-injured-on-that-day .

AN OVERSIGHT OF INTELLIGENCE LED POLICING IN TIMES OF THREAT an event held by the SDLP in St Mary's College, Falls Road on Saturday, 28 March 2009 pictures on Our Future Together website: http://ourfuturetogether.net/photo/albums/an-oversight-of-intelligence

Amnesty International website 2009

Policing and it's oversight at times of threat

A number of reports on Amnesty International website 2009 by Patrick Corrigan Ten years on from the landmark Patten report on policing in Northern Ireland, authored by former Conservative minister and Hong Kong governor general Chris Patten, the SDLP a half-day conference on "policing and it's oversight at times of threat" which was on Saturday 28 March 2009.

Brian Rowan and the curious case of the 'dirty war': http://blogs.amnesty.org.uk/blogs_entry.asp?eid=2919

'Is this the start of our troubles?': http://blogs.amnesty.org.uk/blogs_entry.asp?eid=2914

'How do we respond to a time of threat? Lawfully.': http://blogs.amnesty.org.uk/blogs_entry.asp?eid=2912

Omagh: 'You can kill 31 people and get away with it': http://blogs.amnesty.org.uk/blogs_entry.asp?eid=2879

Omagh bombing: 'Sir Hugh Orde can't have it both ways': http://blogs.amnesty.org.uk/blogs_entry.asp?eid=2878

Kevin Cooper Photogragher

Photoline Photographic Agency

41 Kansas Ave., Belfast, BT15 5AX.

E-mail: photoline@supanet.com

Office Tel: 02890777299 or 028 90770993

Mobile: 07712044751

Web site: www.kevincooperphotoline.com

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