Ποιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do



     Poblatis - pieces of childhood memories on display in the atelier Dec. 3, 2015


The name of this piece ( which we eventually hope to develop into a larger project) is: "Pobaltis" (a name of a small village in Lithuania, where we have spend all our summers with our grandparents when we were children).
It has to do with memories about a "perfect place"... We try to focus on every detail and episode, we can remember. We havn't been to this place for 30 years and eventually want to go there again...
The material we have used for more then 100 drawings is called: watercolour on polyester film.
We refere to this project as "film". We believe that the way we present it reminds of slides, or a film sequences. Perhaps it will develop into a docuanimation...

Maria and Natalia Petschatnikov


              Maria and Natalia with Volker Amrhein in Berlin 3.12.2015



   "When we were young" - early childhood days

                   In the simmering sun

                       a playful hand

                              wipes the sand

                                   off the hand

                   while the eyes watch, no follow

                   a snail crossing the path

                   as if a century away

                   it was a man carrying a house

                   on his back

                   so that in retrospect

                   lukewarm feelings for those days

                   come once again strong memories

                   of how the world looked like

                   back then.

                                              HF 17.12.2015













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