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New Art Galleries near Check Point Charlie: Rudi Dutschke and Charlotten Streets

Certainly Berlin has changed a lot since the Berlin Wall came down in 1989. This can be seen in particular in two streets near Check Point Charlie. When coming out of the metro station Kochstraße, it is possible to enter the Rudi Dutschke Street and from there the Charlotten Street. On both unusual places the most excellent galleries can be found. They among others explain why it is now claimed that Berlin equals in location for the arts to New York, London or Paris. As a matter of fact, artists, art dealers, art critics, curators, you name it, decided to move to Berlin. Fore mostly artists do it due to the relatively inexpensive space still available but other newcomers join old timers who have modernized themselves because Berlin has become the hub of the arts.


What is art if not the semanitics of change expressed by finding poetic titles for works of art like those of Paul Klee in order to bridge the abstract with a public still searching for access to such works of art. 
- in memory of Herbert Walden


Rudi Dutschke Street

Michael Jansen Gallery
Rudi Dutschke Street 26
10969 Berlin




Levy Gallery
Rudi Dutschke Street 26
10969 Berlin



Veneklasen/Werner Gallery
Rudi Dutschke Street 26
10969 Berlin





Bourouina Gallery
Charlottenstrasse 1 – 2, 
10969 Berlin,
Tel. + 49 (0) 30 75512477
Aurel Scheibler Gallery
Charlottenstrasse 2
10969 Berlin



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