Second Mural by the Blind Boys in Kolkata, India
Asit Poddar undertook it to create a second mural with the Blind Boys at their Academy. Since the first mural they have been asking him persistently why war seems always connected with religion.
The morale of the blind boys is high. They work in seeming darkness. For us who can see it is difficult to image their world. They say an inner eye is like hearing someone coming long before a seeing person realises it. Other senses are highly activated. The work of the mind is something else when everything has to rely on sense data minus what the eye can tell one. If anything is afoot, the blind boys sense it. That makes them highly sensitive as to what is going on in society and both mentally but also physically they rely for survival on other skills, but above all on the decency of every other human being to help them cross the street whenever there is need to. Their defenseless nature makes them most strong in terms of the moral spirit, a conviction in the goodness of every other human being. Nevertheless they have also their portion of negative experiences.
Prof. Mizuguchi from Japan is second from the left and Asit Poddar third from the right.
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