Ποιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do

Practical agenda


'create and do'


The making of a practical agenda has to be based on

This is done best by

articulating 'memories of the future'

upholding dialogue


bringing together people to look together forward.


Above all Poiein kai Prattein as NGO of civil society in Greece and Europe needs to

so as to ensure the concept cannot be influenced by money and other forces.

In terms of life in cities and in local environments, Poiein kai Prattein supports efforts to improve 'quality of life'. This goes hand in hand with consistency in working out solutions while gaining experiences through actions best understood as investments in cultural development.

One challenge is, therefore, to derive out of a 'biotop of ideas', as experienced during the action on Rhodes in May-June 2011, a new sense of interconnectivity between people, issues and knowledge base. This is needed to replace the old theory-practice dilemma as discussed at the conference held in Berlin, May 2011 on the question 'can European Capitals of Culture contribute to a culture of sustainability?'

Having stated this, it is acknowledged that

  1. as an organisational entity, Poiein kai Prattein derives inspirations from poetic insights
  2. it initiates actions out of artistic wonders in search of a political philosophy for governance
  3. the articulation of human self-understanding is needed to set the practical agenda
  4. conscious relationships to a world beset by different levels of governance require publicness
  5. the practical knowledge base needs a cultural adaptation process to stay in touch with reality
  6. policy issues in terms of real needs have to be resolved to bring about sustainable development


Poiein kai Prattein shall be engaged in following actions during 2011/12:

'IMPERISHABLE WATER and the open question of development'


Cultural heritage protection and promotion: rescue of old house in Exarchia, Athens


The house was set to be demolished but an appeal by a citizens' group of Exarchia to the Supreme Court of Greece stopped the process in time, in order to prepare a full case with the next date set for 21st of September 2011. Charoula Hadijnicolaou, curator and collaborator of Poiein kai Prattein, is taking together with others the initiative.

Every action which allows children and youth to paint together a peace mural on a canvas the size of Picasso's Guernica (7,8 x 3,5) means an entry into a collaborative learning process. Such a cultural action can easily become a community wide one.

Actions planned or being implemented on an ongoing basis:


European Youth Project: Nation and Identity in 2012

The youth project is coordinated by the Kreisau Initiative: Joanna Szaflik

12 - 14.1.2012 Preparatory meeting in Berlin

23 - 29.2.2012 1st seminar in Krzyzowa, Poland

11 - 17.6.2012 2nd seminar in Padua, Italy



Poiein kai Prattein aspires to be a platform for exchange of experiences and knowledge. Thus the need shall be answered to in the form of a modern platform. It has the aim to validate information prior to giving recognition as being knowledge upon which can be based actions and further going decisions. Given the search for sustainable development and therefore measurable indicators as to the progress being made, research means as well identification of crucial and decisive aspects in order not to let claims of success stand unchallenged.

Key tasks ahead:


Poiein kai Prattein has already a data base as it seeks to retain a consistency over time. Ever since the Fifth Seminar, Cultural Action for Europe, had been organized in Athens 1994, and then later the Article 10 ERDF project CIED (Cultural Innovation and Economic Development) had taken place, it seems feasible to envision access to the knowledge base through a ten finger system (see chart below)

Research Topics according to the 'ten finger' system of classification / categorization:

  1. local agendas put into the context of an open ended development within a global context

  2. urban and regional planning to ensure sustainable development with a high quality of life

  3. find ways to reconcile transportation and energy needs with the flow of ideas and of people

  4. identify specific training tasks to overcome a 'poverty of experience'

  5. bring culture and economy together by linking internal and external markets through a new conceptualization of market choice as trade offs in various 'creative processes' in response to resource allocations and needed economic activities to sustain life in cities and local environments experiencing huge alterations in their practical agendas as they come under pressure to change

  6. uphold theatres, museums, dance schools etc. as trust in cultural institutions is vital for the promotion of both high standards and exceptional talents

  7. formal education at all levels requires research, open ended and life long learning possibilities as cultural adaptation to the future ahead expresses itself through not only what but how things are being taught, the learning from nature included

  8. promote literature, poetry, philosophy and the arts, so that people can handle complexities in life and reflect their basic assumptions of life so as to be able to articulate their self understanding of others

  9. health is not merely a matter of medicine, but an indication if people live in freedom and happiness

  10. Cultural governance expresses the human spirit and human beings are valued more than money - the narrative of European Capitals of Culture

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