The case of Greece: 11 thematic objectives of the Structural Fund
The recommendations to take the 11 thematic objectives further by including considerations of culture and for an economic development embedded in culture were based on the qualitative analysis, and in understanding the situation in Greece, on some further going reflections.
Annex 4: "11 Thematic Objectives" was included in the study done for the European Commission on how culture is funded through the Structural Fund: the case of Greece by Hatto Fischer (2012): Greece [985 KB]
Strengthening research 1, technological development and innovation
Investment priority |
1. Product and service development, demand stimulation, clusters, open innovation through smart specialization and social innovation |
Issue: How to sustain research together with artists, and how to open up the field to cultural studies and cultural impact assessments?
Key issues:
Culture prompts creativity as part of social innovation in an anthropological sense. There is a need for investments in culture to provide the framework conditions (cultural infrastructures) for CCIs and cultural services. |
National operational programmes
Official Indicators: Use of computers in primary education; Number of schools and teachers per category of schools; Demographics of pupils; Demographics of pupils with special needs; Demographics of immigrants attending education; HEIs statistics; Distribution of GERD per type of performer; Cultural indicators: quality of life and cultural well being, cultural participation
Support research in the creative industries e.g. design and art works.
Regional projects
Official Indicators: Distribution of pupils and students per level of education and region; Regional indicators of education and training |
Research into regional identity and sharing of values when it comes to specialize without necessarily all reproducing the same e.g. cultural tourism, in order to retain a cultural diversity
European Territorial Cooperation |
2. Enhancing access to institutioEnhancing access to and use and quality of information and communication technologies
Investment priority |
2. Enhancing access to and use and quality of information and communication technologies |
Projects in POP (national level)
Regions |
Follow good practice e.g. in Crete – Forthnet, by relating technological inducement for further going investments in culture e.g. development of regional libraries online |
European Territorial Cooperation |
3. Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs, the agricultural sector (for the EAFRD) and the fisheries and aquaculture sector (for the EMFF)
Investment priority |
Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs, the agricultural sector (for the EAFRD) and the fisheries and aquaculture sector (for the EMFF) |
Issue: A key problem in Greece is that there exists no real entrepreneurial culture with managers of small, medium and large sized businesses willing to invest in long term enterprises. Generally speaking, there is a tendency to demand exuberant prices out of the wish to make money as quickly as possible and then to take these profits elsewhere. Only a link to culture can bring about long-term investments and such strategy to achieve a self-sustainable productive basis in all sectors (agricultural, fisheries, small and medium sized businesses). As this would reflect a true cultural diversity but thanks to the Structural Funds kept together by development schemes managing to integrate various factors, social and cultural cohesion can be achieved. |
National Operational Programmes
Enhancing the Competitiveness of SMEs
Regional Programmes |
Need for international consultancies to ensure that projects with high demand can really be implemented. Encourage investments in research centres and SME's development on islands to counter over dependency upon tourism. Focus on cultural specialization strategy (typology of investments) by strengthening SME's structure and investments in culture. Attica region aims to improve international attraction Crete and Aegean islands excellent in cultural tourism. Epirus – seeks focus in investments for cultural heritage. |
European Territorial Cooperation |
4. Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors – energy sector
Investment priority |
4. Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors – energy sector |
Issue: Such a shift is not a technical matter alone but a major cultural intervention - above all it needs cultural adaptation to a low-carbon economy. How then to alter carbon emission scheme in times of crisis, especially if the EU itself recognizes the scheme is not really working? Given the general concept 'Green Economy' and the EU 2020 vision, a cultural consensus can be created that decreasing dependency upon fossil fuels is good for everyone but needs a change in daily practices. Task: How to adapt to the privatization scheme or if that does not work out, how else can alternative models be developed and made available to attain both efficiency and less economic exploitation of public needs for energy? Problem: the high fuel costs let already many Greek families freeze during the cold winter months or else they resort to a false consumption of other fuels. |
National Operational Programmes
EU Said to Plan Debate on CO2-Auctions Delay in Mid-July
„The overall efficiency of electricity production is amongst the lowest in Europe. The energy sector is dominated by a few state-owned enterprises with low productivity and which still have a quasi-monopoly position in the market. Transmission system operators still need to be fully unbundled. ”
Source: EU Commission on 'Growth for Greece' (2012)
Adaptation of the economic models as proposed by the European Commission must be translated into the Greek cultural context before it can work. Actions in 2012 (cf. §4.2 of the MoU): „Privatisation of public gas and electricity companies this year will provide private sector investors with the opportunity to enter a huge new market, and increase the scope for major cost savings from efficiency gains in the former public companies. The separation of gas and electricity transmission system operation from generation and supply activities will increase the transparency of the sector, and facilitate competition through the entry of new market players.“
This change requires a debate as well about the possible privatization of electricity supply, since in Greece this would mean embracing an ideology not popular in large parts of society. Right now the tendency is to go in the opposite direction e.g. Syriza Party wants to nationalize OTE and reverse other privatization schemes. Moreover besides efficiency, there is a matter of costs for both operators (entrepreneurs) and private consumers. Given solar energy, private production of electricity could be enhanced. |
Regional Programmes
Include in regional specialization strategy energy self-sufficiency.
European Territorial Cooperation |
Cross-sectoral actions require a cultural consensus and not only technical-administrative innovations in order to enter a sustainable development path with the aim of achieving a low-carbon economy. |
5. Promoting climate change adaptation and risk prevention and management
Investment priority |
5. Promoting climate change adaptation and risk prevention and management |
National Operational Programmes
Regional Programmes |
Regions with islands retain transportation vehicles using fossil fuels |
European Territorial Cooperation |
6. Promoting the environment and promoting resource efficiency
Investment priority |
6. Promoting the environment and promoting resource efficiency |
Issue: Clarify the term 'sustainable development' by developing besides ecological also cultural indicators.
National Operational Programmes
Indicators: built on land / untouched nature ecological balance and biodiversity Accessibility of legislation with regards to planning, environmental protection and cultural planning maps. |
Review of planning law as implementation (interpretation) is contradicted by numerous studies at local and regional level, hence need for more consistency in planning system.
Regional Programmes
Integrate cultural ecology plans in local agenda of every community and focus on biodiversity, waste disposal, water management and air quality. Upgrade Agenda 21 with Cultura 21 to ensure regional competence in environmental protection to attain cultural sustainability. |
European Territorial Cooperation |
7. Promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures
Investment priority |
7. Promoting sustainable transport and removing bottleneckes in key network infrastructures |
Issue: No transportation culture exists 'consciously', although the way to behave in traffic is an expression of culture. Basic issue here is the absence of any 'logistics' to anticipate blockages due to bottlenecks. |
National Operational Programmes
Actions in 2012 (cf. §4.2 of the MoU): The Transport Policy Paper (due date June 2012) that will set out the strategic and regulatory framework for the entire transport sector should be finalised. The regulatory and operational functions of the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority should be separated and funding provided for modern air traffic control equipment, the recruitment of qualified air traffic controllers and the contracting of modern slot allocation software. The establishment of independent award authorities for rail passenger services should be completed.
Regional Programmes |
Review recent regional reforms since large-scale governance has impact upon local places: risk to lose diversity when local ship building industry becomes of a larger marina for the entire area. Develop a transport scheme for islands to reduce dependency upon the car. Link transport with land use and urban development plan to contain building sprees within the urban zone. Use cultural planning to develop scenic routes which safeguard biodiversity, wetlands and historical sites. |
European Territorial Cooperation Border crossing procedures and agreements to facilitate freight flows on corridor X should be reviewed and border closures abandoned. |
8. Promoting employment and supporting labour mobility
Investment priority |
8. Promoting employment and supporting labour mobility |
Issue: high unemployment (20% generally and above 50% amongst the youth) Forms of bad labour practices and extreme exploitation in black economy sector, but also elsewhere with only civil services jobs protected in the past against discrimination and illegal practices. Withholding payments and arbitrary payments meant living and working with uncertainty, so that 'morality of payment' is a key issue. Established society exploiting especially in the cultural sector those dedicated with high proficiency to work for free and never receiving after work was completed recognition for work having been done, as families with name and other connections would appropriate everything under their name. Missing are key concepts of a cultural economy to link productivity with creativity at the level of human self consciousness. |
National Operational Programmes
Actions in 2012: More effective use of the available European Social Fund resources to put in place a fully-functioning framework to support the social economy and social enterprises as well as the key drivers for a job-rich recovery and to address the multi-faceted integration needs of vulnerable groups.
„The Commission is working actively with the Greek authorities on ways of tackling the extremely high levels of youth unemployment. This includes taking a fresh look at the use of EU structural funds in Greece and at how to help the Greek authorities to reallocate them to projects that will make the biggest difference to growth and jobs in the shortest time.“
Start-up Greece – Entrepreneurship – promotion through the priority project 'Alternative Tourism' (specific culture of commercial interest) – overcome the problem of closed shops e.g. tourist guides – alternative ways of improving tourist services – qualification chances (cooking – intercultural learning since in kitchens diverse people end up working together – interestingly enough those with lesser language skills end up doing manual or semi manual work) – on job training for youth – employers tend to hire only those with less or no education as others could demand higher pay – counter-productive impact of austerity measures.
Regional Programmes |
Use creative and cultural industries for work to be done in cultural sector – reliability of deliveries and overall excellence of work in need to be done to strengthen regional competence (strategy of specialization) Investment in labour pools to do joint work e.g. creating cultural landscape – revival of traditional jobs next to modern jobs – various kinds of cultural tourism to discover cultural specificity of region |
European Territorial Cooperation |
9. Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty
Investment priority |
9. Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty |
Issue: General poverty and social exclusion on increase due to austerity measures – need to strengthen social security (health, pension, education, cultural participation) – there is as well a 'poverty of experience' which stands in contradiction to the EU 2020 vision with emphasis upon an 'economy of experience'. Modern life and work forms based on technology bring about a sense of deprivation with consequences like cognitive disabilities and in general a lack of common-sense orientation. This is reflected in what is not culture so much as a mixture of sports, entertainment and image-manipulation by the media. To deal with poverty and social inclusion, a sense of social justice must be restored and measures taken which counter the growing imbalances between rich and poor people. Costs for moving about are too high and this hinders the mobility of those with deprived incomes although key for getting jobs. |
National Operational Programmes
Indicators: people at risk to fall below poverty line - literacy level – distance to recognizable and full qualification in terms of job market – adaptation skills and cultural competence |
Regional Programmes |
Social commitment to overcome class division in terms of land use and accessibility to various resources – creative hubs and training centres – overcoming social isolation in remote areas – community centres with mixture of functions to integrate different tasks (library, research, social functions etc. - Kamilari: light house beacon) – review of Development Agencies and Private Consultancies in relationship to Municipal, Regional and National Agencies to bring about better coordination. |
European Territorial Cooperation |
10. Investing in education, skills and lifelong learning
Investment priority |
10. Investing in education, skills and lifelong learning |
Issue: Education and life long learning An attempt was made to reform the educational sector in 2011, but bad reputation of public system prompts existence of 'shadow education' system, i.e. Frontistirio schools with high cost for parents and hard test for children. Need to upgrade initial vocational training and vocational educational systems but link of education to job market can prove difficult in times when businesses are closing down. Strengthening human capital in order to promote research and innovation, but need knowledge base independent from political influence. Lifelong Learning as system not really established in Greece. Need more open universities and adult-specific training programmes. Some teachers have started bottom-up initiatives to create synergies between different courses and bring the arts into the school. Right now the only programme in that direction is the Melina Mercouri one giving teachers extra qualification chances but not official part of training for teaching at school. |
National Operational Programmes
Improve link between business and education Vocational courses Adults’ entry into education at higher level – further qualification for professionals
Two key problems need to be overcome:
Regional Programmes |
Extend programme of Lifelong learning |
European Territorial Cooperation |
11. Enhancing institutional capacity and ensuring an efficient public administration
Investment priority |
11. Enhancing institutional capacity and ensuring an efficient public administration |
Issue: Public administration A key problem of the administration is that it lacks political independence and therefore misses out in continuity of administrative practice. Too many selection procedures are not according to qualifications but depend upon political connections. With 1 million civil servants for 10 million people, it means also an over extension of services without any accountable productivity. Yet the austerity measures have also meant the loss of experienced administrators (see ‘Appeal of Archaeologists’) and an unnecessary slimming of administrative branches where more workers would be needed. Also the interplay between outside experts not knowledgeable in legislative procedures and civil servants with vast knowledge suffers because the latter stay deeply hidden inside the administration. Also public services are not perceived independently from 'politics' and thus it is not understanding that after passing a law, it has to be translated into an administrative law before policy measures can be followed up and implemented. Signs of corruption have been noted everywhere but are often not identified as such e.g. public procurement allowing that the original cost estimate can be exceeded by 50% provided that the civil servant in charge signs, was made into law and followed-up by the civil service receiving monthly extra payments to ensure the signature. This meant both construction company and state administration opted for public works costing more than normal, and thereby burdening both state and society. There is too much favouritism and arbitrariness involved in administrative-based decision-making processes. |
National Operational Programmes
„A strong inter-governmental Ministerial coordination capacity is needed to implement complex reform processes.” - EU Commission Communication, 'Growth for Greece'
Indicators: Governance based on trust Citizen participation Transparency of decisions Legal system Responsiveness to needs Reliability of services |
Re-introduce Operational Programme for culture as was the case in the 2000 – 2006 funding period. Improve horizontal coordination of all managing authorities and ensure managing authorities link up with thematic services in all the Ministries.
Follow-up Joint Overall Statistical Greek Action Plan (JOSGAP) (Actions in 2012 - cf. §5 of the MoU) by upgrading cultural statistics through EKEVI working jointly with Eurostat.
Regional Programmes
ESF-funded "Administrative Reform" programme should be implemented at regional-local level |
Learn to decentralize power in terms of the recent regional reforms (Law 3852/2010) with first elections on 7th and 4th of Nov. 2010 and link up with agendas of local communities – creation of communication platforms to ensure citizens being informed and can participate Need to relate city and region in terms of cultural governance. Evaluate local self-government and reform of Cohesion Fund since 2009 in terms of
European Territorial Cooperation
Territorial governance and inter-governmental administrative practices require a common cultural base for shaping attitudes and policies towards outstanding issues. |
1 For official info, see
2 This figure holds for 2008 according to the General Confederation of Greek Labour, as reported by Kathimerini, Athens, 31.5.2012
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