Ποιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do


From the Imaginary Museum of Andre Malraux to the 21st Century
Museums of the Future

André Malraux, «Das imaginäre Museum», 1950, Photography © André Malraux, Source: Rosalind Krauss, »Das Schicksalsministerium«, in: Herta Wolf (Hg.), Paradigma Fotografie. Fotokritik am Ende des fotografischen Zeitalters, Bd. 1, Frankfurt/Main 2002, S. 395.

André Malraux : «Das imaginäre Museum»

"The image shows André Malraux among the photographs for his volume «Les Voix du Silence,» in which he developed his concept for the ‹imaginary museum›. What the photographs form on the floor is an archival grid compiling, side by side, the most diverse objects from diverse epochs and cultures."

What is so special about such an idea? Andre Malraux said every artist images such a museum in which his or her own work of art hangs besides all those art works he or she admires and deeply respects as sources of inspiration and examples of the highest standard of art possible.

To go from such an imaginary museum to the museums of the 21st century it means embarking on a collective voyage but it should not be undertaken without ensuring that memories of the past can be carried by creative minds over into the future.



See also within European projects of Poiein kai Prattein

Hermes Project

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