Ποιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do

Nepal - dialogue between city and rural village

Nepal - Kathmandu and Sirbari                                                                              2005

The mural was shown first in Kastelli and proved to become a vital entry point in what Kids' Guernica is all about. While civil war still raged in Nepal, a group of children decided to journey to a village at the foot of the Himmalyas. They had to go through enemy lines. At one point, they had to remain standing still at gun point for about six hours, before the soldiers let them go. The daughter of Takuya Kaneda gave a moving account of this incident as she was a member of that group.

Once in the village there started a dialogue between children from the city and children who had grown up in a village. Different world views converged through dialogue. The outcome was a peaceful landscape with the strongest symbol being children holding hands in sign of friendship.


See also http://www.kids-guernica.org/WorkshopPage/No119Nepal.html

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