Ποιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do

Actions of Kids' Guernica Japan

1995 founded

2000 Takuya Kaneda becomes coordinator

2005 10th anniversary in Ubud, Bali

2010 15th anniversary in Tellahassee, Florida and Symposium "Art for social justice"

2015 20th anniversary in Ubud, Bali


Actions related to the disaster areas after March 2, 2011

Many actions have taken place - see special page- to indicate that Kids' Guernica is very much a practical project and can help children in distressed areas overcome traumatic experiences. Much more can be said about these acts of solidarity.
"I appreciate Prof. Toshifumi Abe’s recent effort to coordinate our Kids’ Guernica project in different ways. Not only in Nagasaki, with Prof. Mizuguchi, he coordinated to exhibit a Kids’ Guernica painting by Osaka elementary school during an educational festival in Ishinomaki City, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L96KDwjrB1s&feature=relmfu one of the most damaged areas by 3.11 earthquake and tsunami. It provided a good opportunity to show solidarity between children of the affected area and children not directly affected inside Japan. I hope such solidarity would be also expanded in an international context.
I went Ishinomaki City last Saturday. Most of the city functions were recovered but some parts of the city were still devastated. Many students from different primary schools and junior high schools around the city participated in this event and they discussed their hopes and duties to reconstruct their damaged town in front of the Kids’ Guernica painting. I was impressed by their smiling faces even though some of them still have to stay in temporary shelters.
Some of my students also coordinated the first Kids’ Guernica workshop in another affected area, Minamisanriku-cho, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zb9JS55yfY . Participant children created an image of their reconstructed town and they enjoyed painting on such a huge canvas.  Short reports of the both places were already uploaded. Please visit  www.kids-guernica.org"
Takuya Kaneda 22.8.2011


July 2011

A Kids' Guernica peace painting was created in Katano City, Osaka, Japan:

"Participating children thought on peace very seriously. They expressed their feelings of peace: Our globe has many countries as well as Japan. Various living things and plants are coexisting on the globe, which is connecting to the moon and the universe. Even though their languages are different, they can communicate with each other through music, which is a common language. We really feel happy, when we can play together with our friends or do whatever we like. This is a peaceful moment. We wish for such a lasting peace which gives us a warm and joyful feeling."

All the participating children completed this peace mural with a single purpose as indicated by the symbolic characters of Katono-city having been painted on a rocket and a keyboard of a piano."

Kids Guernica: Kids' Guernica in Katano City, Osaka, Japan


September 5, 2011

Monday: Kids' guernica at Global Village International Preschool, Japan

A Kids' Guernica workshop was held at Global Village International Preschool in Osaka, Japan with following message from the school:

"Let’s make a difference together!
We, Global Village International Preschool, have the Helping Hands Week every June. During that week, children find and pursue a helpful “job” around them that they can do by themselves. Through this experience the children can not only learn the benefit of helping others, but also have the opportunity to become more aware of the children who need help both in Japan and around the world.
Our school also contributes to charities through fundraising. This year Japan experienced an unprecedented disaster and the senior kindergartners raised funds to help these people affected. In addition we worked on the Kids Guernica project with the theme of uniting everyone in the world. We wish that our earth would be plentiful and peaceful in the future."

Posted by Kids Guernica at



August 2012

Kids' Guernica exhibition in Nagasaki - memorial exhibition 5-10.August 2012

 (to be updated)

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